Episode 10
Two girls were in other sides of him. They had red
cups of what I suspected was ponch. Jafar didn’t seem to be drinking. I
removed my eyes from his darkness and concentrated on Timi…or tried to
Timi: we would talk about it tonight
Me: I will be glad
Timi: I hope you understand though
Me: why didn’t you explain to me while you were still with Annie?
Timi: when I explain, you would understand
I just quiet and allowed myself enjoy the song. When I stole a glance at Jafar, he was gone, although his space was maintained as the girls sat in the opposite sides of his absence. The house was filled to the brim, twas like everybody turned up. I saw one of Jafar’s goon just a distance away, the one that led the assault on Acho. He was there to protect me, I felt protected as he smoked his cigarette and his eyes never left me.
Toun and Abayomi entered the house and started dancing immediately. You could see that they were crazy about each-other. As we both danced, I felt this was how it was supposed to be. I felt alive.
When Annie walked in with her pussycat dolls, I felt a bit awkward, Timi didn’t see her but I did. She looked at me too, instead of the frown I expected, she smiled.
I had to take a breather so I went back to the kichen to eat another chiken. Toun followed me and the aproko in her was just annoying.
Toun: you and Timi back?
Me: no jor..
Toun: the way you were giving it to that poor boy, him dick go don dey pain am. You guys ought to straff o…just for old times’ sake
Me: you no get sense.
Toun: this chiken is the truth.
We munched and gisted about what the girls were wearing when we heard a sound that you shouldn’t hear in a party. The kitchen had a small store that was slightly opened. Toun went to peep, then came back smiling, she beckoned on me to join her in peeking. Though it was dark, we could see the girl holding the drum of water with bum shot backwards with the guy ramming her like his life depended on it. National’s eyes were closed as he grabbed the bum he fuccked. Kofo’s moan was getting louder as she seemed to be cuming . I underrated the size of the girl’s ikebe o..it swallowed National’s dick without preamble.
Toun and I ran like little kids to look for Abayomi so we can tell him about what we saw, as we ran we passed people drinking, some people smooching themselves at the doorway, we hadn’t searched for long when I saw something. Something I wished I never saw. I saw Timi talking to Annie at such close proximity, that any movement would have seen them enter each-other. He looked so embroiled in the discussion that he didn’t see me. But Annie saw me; she kissed him and held him tight. He held her too. I kept walking, I didn’t want Toun to see them. I didn’t want the pity.
Abayomi and Chukwudi were talking when Toun interrupted and whispered in his ears. I tried to act like I was still elated, but I wasn’t anymore. I just wanted to drown. For the second time, Timi was breaking my heart.
Abayomi had a bottle of Night Train which I collected from him. He and Chukwudi followed Toun to the store to spy at the people fuccking . I was looking for the perfect place to hide without being seen by people that know me. Everywhere was occupied. I blamed myself for believing that things might return to normal between Timi and i. if I had been any smart, I would have ignored him. I consider myself a strong girl but this heart of mine brings me down. I saw an unoccupied Toyota, I sat on the bonnet and cried. The Night train was diffusing into my blood at a fast rate.
I saw Acho and his chic walk pass. She gave me a frown while Acho limped beside her. Toun and Abayomi found me where I sat.
Abayomi: omo igbo, why are you here alone na?
Me: nothing, I just want to be alone
Toun: where is Timi?
Me: I don’t know
The fool chose that time to come outside with Annie, I saw them before Abayomi and Toun did. Her hands were around her shoulder, he looked happy. Toun immediately came to hug me, Abayomi looked down like it was his fault. At that point I started crying again.
Toun led me inside the house, saying I should dance my pain away. But it was a disaster when I noticed Timi and Annie dancing, Toun started dancing with me at the same tine blocking the guys trying to come in-between us. The alcohol was taking its tool and I started dancing faster, Toun was enjoying herself, we were giggling.
Then Toun stopped dancing as somebody was finally able to come between us. I wondered who had the mind to encroach on her space when I saw it was Jafar.
For a guy that had a mystical feel to him, I couldn’t imagine him dance , talk less of dancing with me. I was probably not the only person surprised because it seemed that people stopped dancing to watch us dance. I was shy to dance wildly like I usually did, so I was a bit slow. I noticed the eyes that were fixated at us, I was shy. I was shy until his hands encircled my waste. My hips moved to his touch, he wasn’t smiling or had his mouth opened like guys usually did when they were dancing with a girl. We danced like we were royalty..
Jafar: you declined having dinner with me because of this party?
Me: yes…I had to come, but you had plans of coming too?
Jafar: I changed my mind, Aisha and Uche once dated.
Me: oh…I never knew…
I started having fun as we danced and spoke. I got envious glances from the girls I had seen him with earlier.
Me: not seen you in a party around before
Jafar: I am not a fan of parties..
I didn’t want to stop dancing but he did after a while.
Jafar: thanks for dancing with me
Me: the pleasure is all mine, Jafar.
Toun was winking at me when I walked to her,Abayomi was standing behind her, dancing to her bum even though she didn’t move.
Toun: he likes you
Me: who?
Toun: Jafar. Timi couldn’t detach his eyes from you.
I felt tinny winny happy. The Alcohol was taking its effect. I had finished the drink in the bottle, even though the ponch was still in my system.
Me: I want to go home.
Toun : but the party just started..i want to eat barbeque.
Me: Abayomi I want to go home.
Abayomi: go and meet Timi na, I am with my chic.
Me: May God punish you, idiot.
Abayomi stuck out his tongue.
Sometimes I do strange things that I cannot explain. One of those things was walking to Jafar that evening and sitting beside him. I looked at him and wanted to talk but ended up resting my head on his shoulder..
Jafar: you want to leave this party?
Me: yes
Jafar: where do you want to go to?
Me: Abuja..loooool..
I joked.
I laughed as once again I rested my head on his shoulder..it felt so much like home.
When I woke up, it took me a while to get to my senses. I was still high though. Everything was blurry. I was in a car and Jafar was driving. I dozed off..
When I opened my eyes again, he was still driving, he didn’t know I was looking at him as his eyes were fixed on the road. The road didn’t look familiar, I wanted to talk but I slept off again. Opening my eyes again, he was still driving. Ah ahn.. my house no far like this na..
Me: Jafar whatsup?
Jafar: hey, you have woken up..
Me: how long did I sleep? Last I remembered, was walking to your car..
Jafar: like 5hrs…yes..you slept off immediately we got in.
Me: where are we going to, I don’t know this road and why should you be driving for 5 hrs?
Jafar: I am just obeying you..
Me: obeying me how?
Jafar: you wanted to go to Abuja
Me: oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which type of guy obeys a drunk girl, takes her to a state so far from Ogun in the middle of the night..?
Jafar: relax
Me: how can you tell me to relax?..turn back right away..
Jafar: its 4am, we have been driving for 6hrs, we are in Akoko Ondo…in four hours time, we would be in Abuja. U rather we go back?
Me: yes!
Jafar: alright..
He swerved to the right of the road and parked. That was when I noticed the Volvo in front and the Hilux at our back. We were in the middle of a three man convoy to Abuja. This Jafar dey kolo o!..
Sparrow was the first to get to us, he was the guy pinned to follow me around.
Sparrow: Jaf, wetin do your car?
Jafar: nothing o, we need to head back?
Uche came down from the Hilux and joined Sparrow at Jafar’s side of the car.
Uche: mehn…sleep dey catch me o…we are less than 2hrs from Lokoja, I dey feel say we go rest for there o..
Sparrow: I swear! Hungry dey catch me sef, Jafar make we reach Lokoja first na, we fit return for morning.
Jafar: if we get to Lokoja, then we will have to get to Abuja. If we are going to turn back, we turn back now.
Another guy came down from Uche’s Hilux, short guy with a funny gap tooth..
Me: im sorry guys, I thought Jafar was taking me home.
They didn’t reply, but I felt it would be selfish of me to force them to continue driving.
Jafar: so what do you say ma’am?
Me: Abuja it is!...but what are we going to do there?
Uche: no be u say Abuja?...i don tire o!
Jafar: we will just hang out dear.
I fought back the fear. I never thought for one second I will be on my way to Abuja with Four Confra guys..chai…Alcohol na Bastard.
Me: Abayomi and Toun will be scared
Jafar: you will call them..
Me: no problem, I hope you return me in one piece..
The short ugly guy had a smirk on his face, I wanted to slap him but my liver no reach.
Jafar: lets bounce..
As we proceeded with the journey, the only cars that passed by us were Luxurious buses. The Volvo remained in front, while the Hilux came from the rear. The AC of his car was the truth!..no wonder I kept dozing off..James Blunt’s “u’re beautiful” was playing in his car Cd player. If I wasn’t in a weird situation, I would have found this very romantic. With my seat belt in place, my eyes were involuntarily closing, but before I slept, I wanted to say something.
Me: Jafar?
Jafar: Tana?
Me: you are the weirdest guy eva…
I slept looking at the smile across his dark face and his well-trimmed goatee..
It was past 6am when we got to Lokoja.
We stopped at a fast food restaurant. I don’t know if those Lebanese refugees ever slept, because we were flooded by them as we got out. Two little boys and their sister tugged at our clothes, while their mother looked from a distance.
I went to the rest room to clean myself, while the guys went to other food. I planned to tell him we would leave as soon as we were done with breakfast. I picked up my phone to call Abayomi.
Me: hello
Abayomi: where are you, we are coming to your house for breakfast. Bread and egg o..
Me: I am in Lokoja
Abayomi: I know you are a witch, but can you fly that far?
Me: serious jor..Jafar drove me here o..his goons are here also, enroute Abuja.
Abayomi: what is happening there, why didn’t you tell me?
Me: see I was drunk, I will tell you when I get back..i am hungry and suffering from a hang-over.
Abayomi: when are you coming back?
Me: soon, will tell him to bring me back after breakfast
Abayomi: no p..Toun is sleeping beside me... I will call you later..
When I got back to the guys, they had ordered the meals, the three of them were eating fried rice and an ugly looking fried chiken. Jafar was eating beans and plantain..
Jafar: I got rice for you, alright?
Me: nope, I rather eat what you are eating..
I took out the spoon in my proposed rice and started eating with him. He left the food for me after a while and concentrated on the canned Schweppes he was drinking. Sparrow and the short guy pounced on my rice, before I could say jack, it was finished.
My phone rang, it was Timi.
Me: hello
Timi: didn’t know when you left the party..
Me: I didn’t come with you, so why should I tell you?
Timi: why are you talking like this?
Me: see I am busy now, talk to you later
Timi: wait..where are you?
Me: Lokoja
Timi: what….
I hung up and felt so good about it.
It was time for me to tell Jafar to take me back. In another day and another world, it would have been get-away but I really had to go back..
Me: Jafar please can I talk to you privately?
Jafar: sure.
We walked outside to the front of the Hilux. My phone rang again.
Me: Toun howfar
Toun: I am so fine, we are on our way to Lagos now..
Me: you and who?
Toun: me and Abayomi ofcuz. On the way to the airport. Arik afternoon flight to Abuja..
I excused myself from Jafar and walked to the other side of his Benz.
Me: but I will be on my way back soon.
Toun: better stay there, I have been looking for a good reason to spend my Dad’s money, Abuja it is!
Me: did Abayomi agree to this?, did he tell you I am with Jafar and his friends.
Toun: yes, you aretalking to much, see you before 4pm.
She hung up.
Jafar: so what is it that you had to tell me in private?
me: can Abayomi and Toun join us in Abuja?
I have seen him smile, but this particular smile was deep. I felt good I contributed to it.
Jafar: the more the merrier..
Toun is the worst friend ever!
Timi: we would talk about it tonight
Me: I will be glad
Timi: I hope you understand though
Me: why didn’t you explain to me while you were still with Annie?
Timi: when I explain, you would understand
I just quiet and allowed myself enjoy the song. When I stole a glance at Jafar, he was gone, although his space was maintained as the girls sat in the opposite sides of his absence. The house was filled to the brim, twas like everybody turned up. I saw one of Jafar’s goon just a distance away, the one that led the assault on Acho. He was there to protect me, I felt protected as he smoked his cigarette and his eyes never left me.
Toun and Abayomi entered the house and started dancing immediately. You could see that they were crazy about each-other. As we both danced, I felt this was how it was supposed to be. I felt alive.
When Annie walked in with her pussycat dolls, I felt a bit awkward, Timi didn’t see her but I did. She looked at me too, instead of the frown I expected, she smiled.
I had to take a breather so I went back to the kichen to eat another chiken. Toun followed me and the aproko in her was just annoying.
Toun: you and Timi back?
Me: no jor..
Toun: the way you were giving it to that poor boy, him dick go don dey pain am. You guys ought to straff o…just for old times’ sake
Me: you no get sense.
Toun: this chiken is the truth.
We munched and gisted about what the girls were wearing when we heard a sound that you shouldn’t hear in a party. The kitchen had a small store that was slightly opened. Toun went to peep, then came back smiling, she beckoned on me to join her in peeking. Though it was dark, we could see the girl holding the drum of water with bum shot backwards with the guy ramming her like his life depended on it. National’s eyes were closed as he grabbed the bum he fuccked. Kofo’s moan was getting louder as she seemed to be cuming . I underrated the size of the girl’s ikebe o..it swallowed National’s dick without preamble.
Toun and I ran like little kids to look for Abayomi so we can tell him about what we saw, as we ran we passed people drinking, some people smooching themselves at the doorway, we hadn’t searched for long when I saw something. Something I wished I never saw. I saw Timi talking to Annie at such close proximity, that any movement would have seen them enter each-other. He looked so embroiled in the discussion that he didn’t see me. But Annie saw me; she kissed him and held him tight. He held her too. I kept walking, I didn’t want Toun to see them. I didn’t want the pity.
Abayomi and Chukwudi were talking when Toun interrupted and whispered in his ears. I tried to act like I was still elated, but I wasn’t anymore. I just wanted to drown. For the second time, Timi was breaking my heart.
Abayomi had a bottle of Night Train which I collected from him. He and Chukwudi followed Toun to the store to spy at the people fuccking . I was looking for the perfect place to hide without being seen by people that know me. Everywhere was occupied. I blamed myself for believing that things might return to normal between Timi and i. if I had been any smart, I would have ignored him. I consider myself a strong girl but this heart of mine brings me down. I saw an unoccupied Toyota, I sat on the bonnet and cried. The Night train was diffusing into my blood at a fast rate.
I saw Acho and his chic walk pass. She gave me a frown while Acho limped beside her. Toun and Abayomi found me where I sat.
Abayomi: omo igbo, why are you here alone na?
Me: nothing, I just want to be alone
Toun: where is Timi?
Me: I don’t know
The fool chose that time to come outside with Annie, I saw them before Abayomi and Toun did. Her hands were around her shoulder, he looked happy. Toun immediately came to hug me, Abayomi looked down like it was his fault. At that point I started crying again.
Toun led me inside the house, saying I should dance my pain away. But it was a disaster when I noticed Timi and Annie dancing, Toun started dancing with me at the same tine blocking the guys trying to come in-between us. The alcohol was taking its tool and I started dancing faster, Toun was enjoying herself, we were giggling.
Then Toun stopped dancing as somebody was finally able to come between us. I wondered who had the mind to encroach on her space when I saw it was Jafar.
For a guy that had a mystical feel to him, I couldn’t imagine him dance , talk less of dancing with me. I was probably not the only person surprised because it seemed that people stopped dancing to watch us dance. I was shy to dance wildly like I usually did, so I was a bit slow. I noticed the eyes that were fixated at us, I was shy. I was shy until his hands encircled my waste. My hips moved to his touch, he wasn’t smiling or had his mouth opened like guys usually did when they were dancing with a girl. We danced like we were royalty..
Jafar: you declined having dinner with me because of this party?
Me: yes…I had to come, but you had plans of coming too?
Jafar: I changed my mind, Aisha and Uche once dated.
Me: oh…I never knew…
I started having fun as we danced and spoke. I got envious glances from the girls I had seen him with earlier.
Me: not seen you in a party around before
Jafar: I am not a fan of parties..
I didn’t want to stop dancing but he did after a while.
Jafar: thanks for dancing with me
Me: the pleasure is all mine, Jafar.
Toun was winking at me when I walked to her,Abayomi was standing behind her, dancing to her bum even though she didn’t move.
Toun: he likes you
Me: who?
Toun: Jafar. Timi couldn’t detach his eyes from you.
I felt tinny winny happy. The Alcohol was taking its effect. I had finished the drink in the bottle, even though the ponch was still in my system.
Me: I want to go home.
Toun : but the party just started..i want to eat barbeque.
Me: Abayomi I want to go home.
Abayomi: go and meet Timi na, I am with my chic.
Me: May God punish you, idiot.
Abayomi stuck out his tongue.
Sometimes I do strange things that I cannot explain. One of those things was walking to Jafar that evening and sitting beside him. I looked at him and wanted to talk but ended up resting my head on his shoulder..
Jafar: you want to leave this party?
Me: yes
Jafar: where do you want to go to?
Me: Abuja..loooool..
I joked.
I laughed as once again I rested my head on his shoulder..it felt so much like home.
When I woke up, it took me a while to get to my senses. I was still high though. Everything was blurry. I was in a car and Jafar was driving. I dozed off..
When I opened my eyes again, he was still driving, he didn’t know I was looking at him as his eyes were fixed on the road. The road didn’t look familiar, I wanted to talk but I slept off again. Opening my eyes again, he was still driving. Ah ahn.. my house no far like this na..
Me: Jafar whatsup?
Jafar: hey, you have woken up..
Me: how long did I sleep? Last I remembered, was walking to your car..
Jafar: like 5hrs…yes..you slept off immediately we got in.
Me: where are we going to, I don’t know this road and why should you be driving for 5 hrs?
Jafar: I am just obeying you..
Me: obeying me how?
Jafar: you wanted to go to Abuja
Me: oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which type of guy obeys a drunk girl, takes her to a state so far from Ogun in the middle of the night..?
Jafar: relax
Me: how can you tell me to relax?..turn back right away..
Jafar: its 4am, we have been driving for 6hrs, we are in Akoko Ondo…in four hours time, we would be in Abuja. U rather we go back?
Me: yes!
Jafar: alright..
He swerved to the right of the road and parked. That was when I noticed the Volvo in front and the Hilux at our back. We were in the middle of a three man convoy to Abuja. This Jafar dey kolo o!..
Sparrow was the first to get to us, he was the guy pinned to follow me around.
Sparrow: Jaf, wetin do your car?
Jafar: nothing o, we need to head back?
Uche came down from the Hilux and joined Sparrow at Jafar’s side of the car.
Uche: mehn…sleep dey catch me o…we are less than 2hrs from Lokoja, I dey feel say we go rest for there o..
Sparrow: I swear! Hungry dey catch me sef, Jafar make we reach Lokoja first na, we fit return for morning.
Jafar: if we get to Lokoja, then we will have to get to Abuja. If we are going to turn back, we turn back now.
Another guy came down from Uche’s Hilux, short guy with a funny gap tooth..
Me: im sorry guys, I thought Jafar was taking me home.
They didn’t reply, but I felt it would be selfish of me to force them to continue driving.
Jafar: so what do you say ma’am?
Me: Abuja it is!...but what are we going to do there?
Uche: no be u say Abuja?...i don tire o!
Jafar: we will just hang out dear.
I fought back the fear. I never thought for one second I will be on my way to Abuja with Four Confra guys..chai…Alcohol na Bastard.
Me: Abayomi and Toun will be scared
Jafar: you will call them..
Me: no problem, I hope you return me in one piece..
The short ugly guy had a smirk on his face, I wanted to slap him but my liver no reach.
Jafar: lets bounce..
As we proceeded with the journey, the only cars that passed by us were Luxurious buses. The Volvo remained in front, while the Hilux came from the rear. The AC of his car was the truth!..no wonder I kept dozing off..James Blunt’s “u’re beautiful” was playing in his car Cd player. If I wasn’t in a weird situation, I would have found this very romantic. With my seat belt in place, my eyes were involuntarily closing, but before I slept, I wanted to say something.
Me: Jafar?
Jafar: Tana?
Me: you are the weirdest guy eva…
I slept looking at the smile across his dark face and his well-trimmed goatee..
It was past 6am when we got to Lokoja.
We stopped at a fast food restaurant. I don’t know if those Lebanese refugees ever slept, because we were flooded by them as we got out. Two little boys and their sister tugged at our clothes, while their mother looked from a distance.
I went to the rest room to clean myself, while the guys went to other food. I planned to tell him we would leave as soon as we were done with breakfast. I picked up my phone to call Abayomi.
Me: hello
Abayomi: where are you, we are coming to your house for breakfast. Bread and egg o..
Me: I am in Lokoja
Abayomi: I know you are a witch, but can you fly that far?
Me: serious jor..Jafar drove me here o..his goons are here also, enroute Abuja.
Abayomi: what is happening there, why didn’t you tell me?
Me: see I was drunk, I will tell you when I get back..i am hungry and suffering from a hang-over.
Abayomi: when are you coming back?
Me: soon, will tell him to bring me back after breakfast
Abayomi: no p..Toun is sleeping beside me... I will call you later..
When I got back to the guys, they had ordered the meals, the three of them were eating fried rice and an ugly looking fried chiken. Jafar was eating beans and plantain..
Jafar: I got rice for you, alright?
Me: nope, I rather eat what you are eating..
I took out the spoon in my proposed rice and started eating with him. He left the food for me after a while and concentrated on the canned Schweppes he was drinking. Sparrow and the short guy pounced on my rice, before I could say jack, it was finished.
My phone rang, it was Timi.
Me: hello
Timi: didn’t know when you left the party..
Me: I didn’t come with you, so why should I tell you?
Timi: why are you talking like this?
Me: see I am busy now, talk to you later
Timi: wait..where are you?
Me: Lokoja
Timi: what….
I hung up and felt so good about it.
It was time for me to tell Jafar to take me back. In another day and another world, it would have been get-away but I really had to go back..
Me: Jafar please can I talk to you privately?
Jafar: sure.
We walked outside to the front of the Hilux. My phone rang again.
Me: Toun howfar
Toun: I am so fine, we are on our way to Lagos now..
Me: you and who?
Toun: me and Abayomi ofcuz. On the way to the airport. Arik afternoon flight to Abuja..
I excused myself from Jafar and walked to the other side of his Benz.
Me: but I will be on my way back soon.
Toun: better stay there, I have been looking for a good reason to spend my Dad’s money, Abuja it is!
Me: did Abayomi agree to this?, did he tell you I am with Jafar and his friends.
Toun: yes, you aretalking to much, see you before 4pm.
She hung up.
Jafar: so what is it that you had to tell me in private?
me: can Abayomi and Toun join us in Abuja?
I have seen him smile, but this particular smile was deep. I felt good I contributed to it.
Jafar: the more the merrier..
Toun is the worst friend ever!
Jafar: we will be staying in Lugbe, it is close to Gwagwalada and also to Berger.
He said this as we passed a junction that was called Giri. We entered Abuja at some minutes to 9am.
Me: I don’t know Abuja, I have never been here
Jafar: I seldom come around, except my dad beckons.
Me: tell me about your Dad
Jafar: No.
I saw why Abuja was the next best thing besides Lagos. the road was wide, wider than the girth of cars passing through. it wasn’t as crowded as Lagos, but had an exotic feeling to it. Yaradua’s posters flooded the town, I felt it was a waste of money carrying out a presidential election because he was liked by both his peeps and the opposition. Though a PDP member he embodied all that PDP wasn’t.
Me: who would you vote for in the elections?
Jafar: I won’t be voting
me : why?
Jafar: for the white man, voting serves as liberation, it’s a symbol of freedom to choose who they want. But for the black man, Elections is a form of enslavement. Too many poor people vote, they don’t vote with their head, they vote with their stomach. Too many illiterates vote, they don’t vote for the best person, they vote for their tribe.
Me: What tribe are you and what do you think should replace elections?
Jafar: I am Jafar Ndanusa, I am Nupe. The white people made sure they saw themselves as a people before democracy was introduced. In Nigeria, the different tribes are still in courtship, democracy came at the right time, but the citizens aint ripe or mature enough for it.
Me: I repeat my question, what should replace elections or democracy?
Jafar: A selfless authoritarian head of state, like Sankara of Burkina-faso. After making sure the Hausas, Igbos, yorubas and middle-belt see themselves as a people, then he can relinquish his power for a democratically elected president.
Me: that’s deep for a cultist.
It came out of my mouth before I realized I had said it. His brows shot upwards, signaling that he heard what I said, but he kept quiet.
Me: I am sorry.
He didn’t answer me, he just kept driving until we got to Federal Housing,Lugbe.
He said this as we passed a junction that was called Giri. We entered Abuja at some minutes to 9am.
Me: I don’t know Abuja, I have never been here
Jafar: I seldom come around, except my dad beckons.
Me: tell me about your Dad
Jafar: No.
I saw why Abuja was the next best thing besides Lagos. the road was wide, wider than the girth of cars passing through. it wasn’t as crowded as Lagos, but had an exotic feeling to it. Yaradua’s posters flooded the town, I felt it was a waste of money carrying out a presidential election because he was liked by both his peeps and the opposition. Though a PDP member he embodied all that PDP wasn’t.
Me: who would you vote for in the elections?
Jafar: I won’t be voting
me : why?
Jafar: for the white man, voting serves as liberation, it’s a symbol of freedom to choose who they want. But for the black man, Elections is a form of enslavement. Too many poor people vote, they don’t vote with their head, they vote with their stomach. Too many illiterates vote, they don’t vote for the best person, they vote for their tribe.
Me: What tribe are you and what do you think should replace elections?
Jafar: I am Jafar Ndanusa, I am Nupe. The white people made sure they saw themselves as a people before democracy was introduced. In Nigeria, the different tribes are still in courtship, democracy came at the right time, but the citizens aint ripe or mature enough for it.
Me: I repeat my question, what should replace elections or democracy?
Jafar: A selfless authoritarian head of state, like Sankara of Burkina-faso. After making sure the Hausas, Igbos, yorubas and middle-belt see themselves as a people, then he can relinquish his power for a democratically elected president.
Me: that’s deep for a cultist.
It came out of my mouth before I realized I had said it. His brows shot upwards, signaling that he heard what I said, but he kept quiet.
Me: I am sorry.
He didn’t answer me, he just kept driving until we got to Federal Housing,Lugbe.
I wasn’t looking for the awkward moment when I would have to tell him
that I needed a room to myself, but I didn’t need to. When we lodged at
Progandy Hotel, He and Uche stayed in the same room, while Sparrow and
the short boy known as Aji stayed in a room. I was given my own room.
Jafar: when Toun and Abayomi comes, they would have a room waiting for them.
I was sure Toun would stay with me in my room.
Me: thanks
Jafar: go to sleep now, you look drained..
Me: thanks for this get-away
Jafar: you are welcome ma’am.
Jafar: when Toun and Abayomi comes, they would have a room waiting for them.
I was sure Toun would stay with me in my room.
Me: thanks
Jafar: go to sleep now, you look drained..
Me: thanks for this get-away
Jafar: you are welcome ma’am.

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