Episode 8
Now, the truth was that we didn’t have tfare back to the house. We left our purses in the room. Toun called Abayomi to come pick us up at Bele. So we walked to Bele to chill for him. As usual, the place was filled with students drinking different brands of beers. Toun spotted kofo and told me that we should walk up to her.
Kofo: hey Toun, Tana, babes howfar?
Toun: we dey o
Me: Kofo howfar. Are you here alone or you came with a friend?
Kofo: I came with a group of friends. It’s a friend of mine’s birthday
Toun: oh, so how is the campaign going?
Kofo: It is going well, I think Timi is doing a good job
Toun: what of Abayomi, you think he will be a good president?
Kofo stammered abit, like her, I didn’t know what Toun was up to.
Kofo: I think so, but I should be asking you, you be him babe na..
Toun: but we are both straffing him na?
I wished the floor would swallow me. Something told me she knew I was aware of the ‘fuckage’.
Kofo: what do you mean, what kind of accusation is that? We are just friends o..
Toun smiled and turned to me.
Toun: Tee lets leave here, she disgusts me.
I quietly followed Toun. I wanted to apologize for keeping it from her but I kept my mouth shut.
Me: isn’t Abayomi supposed to pick us up here?
Toun: I will text him to meet us at bebe
Me: how did you find out about Kofo?
Toun: I found out a while ago, and I know u knew about it
Me: Abayomi has ended it
Toun: I know that too, rememnber those geeks that came requesting you drop kofo as the campaign manager?
Me: yes
Toun: I told them to put it in the contract.
Me: you are dangerous o
Toun: I am not dangerous; I am just protecting what’s mine
Me: why didn’t you break up with him?
Toun: whats the probability that I would find someone better who wouldn’t cheat? Atleast when I deprive him of sex sometimes, I don’t feel guilty.
Me: oh
We were lost in our talk that we didn’t see a car pull over beside us. Before I could say jack, Toun and I were bundled inside the car.
There was two guys at opposite sides of the door guiding Toun and I, the glasses of the car was tinted while the stereo was at full blast.
Guy in front : Na you wan be vice-president abi?
We were driven around blind-folded for a long time before the car stopped. When my eyes were opened, I realized we were in an incomplete building. Toun and I were tied down to a chair on sitting position. I started thinking of my parents and my sister. Is it worth to lose my life just because of University presidency? The person I was doing it for was probably enjoying himself somewhere now. The guys that brought us in left us alone for about fifteen minutes before another guy came in. he was an albino…a scary looking albino.
Albino guy: Tana, Toun welcome
Me: what are we doing here, people will realize we are missing and you will be in trouble
Toun: serious trouble o, do you know the daughter of whom I am?
Albino guy: my name is Skanty..
He smiled exposing very ugly yellow looking teeth.
Skanty: what are you looking for in SUG?
Me: what is the big deal that you are kidnapping us?
Skanty: its not a game for people like you and Abayomi, why not face your studies and graduate?
Toun: why not release us before you get into trouble?
Skanty smiled again, this time he brought out a metallic object that looked like a gun…was a gun
Toun: Jesu….
Me: what do you want from us?
Skanty: You will call Abayomi and tell him to step down, tell him u and Toun’s lives are on the line. If he tells the police, you are in trouble. As soon as we verified that he has stepped down, you are free..its that easy
Me: you can’t be serious
His eyebrow shut up like I just said the most silly thing possible. He got our phones and left the compartment.
Me: Toun are you scared
Toun: not really. Abayomi will step down and we will be free
Me: but I dnt like blackmail. It’s not fair
Toun: I am just tired, its trouble every time since he declared for this position
Twisting my neck, I looked at town as she looked helpless sitting on the chair.
Toun: I want to pee
Me: me too
We kept quiet for a while, and then I started laughing for no reason. Toun looked at me like I was mad, then she started laughing too. After a while my laughter turned to crying, as expected..Toun started crying too. It just dawned on us that we might be killed.
I didn’t know the time it was, but it was morning when the Albino came around. He brought us slices of bread and tea.
Me: we want to Pee
Toun: and take our bath
Skanty: to pee is okay, but taking your bath?... not possible..
Skanty scratched his head like he was wondering how he was gonna make us pee. He brought out his gun and told loosened Toun from the chair. He did same with me.
Skanty: now pull your clothes, everything…
Toun: we just wanna pee…no need to pull all our clothes
He started shouting..
Skanty: pull all your clothes now!
I started pulling mine; it took Toun a few minutes to join me. When we were stark Unclad, he told us to pee.
Me: we should pee here?...isn’t there any toilet
Skanty’s attention was on my boobs and shaved V. he didn’t bother answering me. Toun faced the wall, squatted and peed. The sound of her pee triggered mine. I spread my legs and peed standing…I noticed Skanty’s Attention..pervert !
Me: give me the phone let me call Abayomi
Skanty: so soon? I was just enjoying myself…
When he gave me the phone, I made the call..
Me: hello..
…Toun and I have been kidnapped..
….you are to step down so they can release us…
…please hurry..
He didn’t say anything as I spoke..all I heard was a hmmmm…then Jafar hung up.
How Jafar was going to rescue me from the poo I put myself was beyond comprehension. Maybe I should have just allowed that silly Volvo follow me around. Thoughts of Timi filtered into my brain. I wondered if I wouldn’t see him again, I wondered if I wouldn’t be able to run my fingers through his hair as he slept, hold him again. I thought about Abayomi, he would have been worried shitless now. Toun sat upright on the chair she was strapped on, if you didn’t look clearly, you would think she was conducting an interview. I was beginning to think there was something more to this SUG than met the eyes.
Skanty brought oatmeal for us at lunch, I had decided his brain also had melanin problem but I kept that to myself. He came in shirtless, never seen an albino with six-packs before, he had a good physique.
Skanty: No news from your people yet
Me: You will hear from them soon
Skanty: we cant keep feeding you guys here o, make una answer us fast
Toun: you are not a student of our school
Skanty: yes na
Toun: which school?
Skanty: don’t bother yourself with that..
He said this exposing those horrible teeth.
I must have slept off because I woke up to the sound of a car. I so hoped it was the police or somebody that came for us. If I was free again, I was going to look for Timi and tell him how I felt. I loved Timi. The silence that came afterwards was very depressing. It must have been one of them.
Toun: you thought someone had come for us?
Me: yes
Toun: me too
I noticed she was trying to stay calm, but tears were flowing down her face.
Toun: I have to call Abayomi myself, he has to step-down
Me: I just nodded
I wondered what the guarantee was that they wouldn’t do away with us even if Abayomi stepped down. I heard somewhere that if Kidnappers didn’t cover their faces when you are kidnapped then its most likely that you will be killed.
Me: Toun I love you.
Toun: I love you too
This time it was Skanty’s voice that woke us up. He came in with the other guys that kidnapped us. They swept the dirts around us, the stench of the urine was reduced by the water they poured on it. It was getting dark, I wanted to ask why they were cleaning the area up, but I kept quiet. I looked at Toun, wanted to remind her about speaking to Abayomi, but she was asleep.
Then the most remarkable thing happened after they finished cleaning. A familiar person walked into the compartment.
Jafar: time to go home ladies…
I was so happy, I wanted to run and hug him but I realized I was strapped.
Toun had problems walking, after being in sitting position all that time. Jafar carried her, her head rested on his chest as he led us out of the uncompleted building.
Jafar: I brought fried chicken and Krest
I didn’t answer him, I had a couple of questions to ask him but I didn’t. like how did he find us?
Instead I looked for his hands with mine, and held on to it as we walked out. Skanty looked at us with a smile, I was sure our unclothedness was in his head.
Toun: thank you Abayomi…
She muttered with eyes closed.. I wanted to correct her that it wasn’t her Abayomi that was carrying her. It was My Jafar.
My Jafar.
He placed Toun on the back seat , as she started regaining her senses.
Toun: who are you?
Jafar: Jafar
Toun: oh
Jafar: happy to finally meet you, Abayomi will be waiting for you
Toun: thank you
Me: awww the poor boy
Jafar: I am sure Timi is waiting for you too..
I smiled.
Skanty followed outside, and only went back when we started to leave.
Me: who are they?
Jafar: they are mercenaries
Me: I don’t get
Jafar: they are guys that are brought in from other schools to carry out operations that people from that school wouldn’t be able to carry out themselves
Me: do they like….rape and kill…?
Jafar: most times its about just guys and yes… they kill.
It was dark and he still drove with speed.
Me: so who sent them and how did you know who got us and how did you get us out?
Jafar: someone that doesn’t want Abayomi to be president. Asking the right people around, we found out the people that abducted you and brought enough money to trump that which was given to them by their client. I begged the Albino to accept the money, he laughed at my face a couple of times.
Me: those ugly teeth
Jafar: yeah..
Me: how much?
Jafar: You wan pay?
me: awww, so you had to use your money to get us out?
Jafar: yes, temporarily..
After a while, of driving I saw a car infront flash its lights.. he flashed back in return.. the Volvo parked beside his benz. The driver stuck out his head..
Uche: howfar?
Jafar: cool…same premises, they might leave in the morning bring back my brown envelope and the Albino..
Uche: what of the remaining guys?
I recognized the remaining guys in the Volvo, the same guys that handicapped Acho..
Jafar: just the Albino.
Jafar dropped us at Abayomi’s house. I felt guilty that I had reprimanded him for providing me with protection. As his Benz drove off, I thanked God for him. I thought of the Skanty, and even though I felt violated by him, I felt bad about what was going to happen to him. But who was I to tell Jafar not to do what he wants?
Abayomi was overjoyed when we stepped in. I actually saw tears of joys in his eyes as he carried Toun up..
Abayomi: I thought I would never see you guys again.
Toun: I love u.
Abayomi: I love you more.
Abayomi didn’t know that Toun knew he was bunking Kofo. Well, it is said that sex isnt an expression of love by guys, na we girls dey carry am for head.
Seeing them love-up, I thought of Timi, I so wanted to be in his arms right now..i didn’t realize I missed that silly boy so much. It was as if Abayomi was reading my thoughts for he said, “Timi has been worried sick”
Me: I see.
He went to Ibogun to campaign to the engineering students, he wants to see you tonight.
Me: I want to sleep. Can I sleep in your house tonight?
Toun: ofcuz you can, Abayomi will sleep in the parlor..
Abayomi: but baby I want to hold you tonight
Toun: Tana and I will sleep in your bed period. If not for you we wouldn’t have been kidnapped.
I didn’t really want to deprive Abayomi of his girlfriend tonight, I know I wanted to be with Timi.
Me: I will sleep in the parlour
Toun: serious?
Me: yes, but you guys shouldn’t have that annoying noisy sex o…keep it low..
Toun: idiot..
There was a knock on the door. My heart skipped as the happenings of the previous day jerked my chest. Timi walked into the room with his beautiful face. He didn’t acknowledge the greetings of Abayomi nor Toun, he just walked up to me and kissed me. Full on the lips…I let him.
Timi: what happened to you guys, where were you people?
Me: Abayomi didn’t tell you?
Timi: Tell me what?
Abayomi: I didn’t want him to know, when Jafar informed me, he told me not to tell anybody
Timi: but I am not anybody to Tana! So what happened?
I felt on top of the world
Abayomi told him…as they discussed, Toun and I went to take our bath. In the bathroom, all Unclad, we held each other , nothing sexual..our Tips getting hard was just as a result of the cold water washing away our dirtiness.
When we got back to the parlor, Timi shared the suya burger he had brought in. Suya burger was prepared by opening the popular Agege bread , putting Suya with excess amount of pepper and tomatoes in it, then heating it up. I craved it..Timi gets me, I concluded.
I had expected Abayomi and Toun to stay longer so I can just keep looking at Timi, but they retired early. leaving me and him in the parlor, without anything to talk about.
Me: you shouldn’t kiss me, you have a girlfriend.
Timi: I am sorry, I couldn’t help myself
Me: I should have stopped you it is my fault.
Timi: I am sorry about what you went through, I wish I had known..
Me: what will you have done?
Timi: cried like mad..
We both laughed. It was funny how everything looked how it was when we were dating, I still don’t know why this boy left me. I know he liked me, maybe not as much as I want.
Me: its time for you to bounce, its late
Timi: I thought you would want me to stay here with you, after what you went through..
Me: don’t worry, I am fine, you can go.
As he walked to the door, I wish I had told him to stay. I wondered if it was too late to. His broad shoulders looked so appealing, something I would want to hold as I slept.
Just like that the door closed and Timi was gone. I rushed to the door so I can open it and watch him go. The idiot was waiting when I opened the door, he had that silly ‘I know you would come’ smile on his baby face. I smiled too
Me: you can spend the night, but we would have to sleep on the floor.
Timi: thank you
Me: its just because I am still scared.
Timi: I know
Me: you must go before Abayomi or Toun wake’s up
Timi: yes ma
Me: don’t even think of touching me..
Timi: no problem ma
Me: good.
Some minutes later, we both lay down beside each other, my back was turned to him, but his long masculine hands wrapped me in that way that I had missed so much.
Me: why did you leave me?
Timi: im sorry
Me: I need an answer, Timi, just tell me so I can close this chapter
Timi : babe..lets let it go
I wanted to talk some more but I let him have his way. I was satisfied with where I was. I didn’t want to get angry.
I felt him move closer to me , but I didn’t react. i was wearing one of Toun’s sleeping gowns..my soft big bum was resting against his crotch. I felt him harden as he moved closer. I remembered when he used to tell me my bum was bigger than my future. I would chase him down the room then..good old days. I didn’t do it consciously, but I realized I was shooting my bum backwards to grind him.
Timi: I missed you
I kept quiet, even as his hands went beneath the gown and found the way to my bosoms. On his way to my bosoms, his hands brushed my Unclad bums. Didn’t I tell this guy not to touch me?
Timi: Your body…your body…
I abruptly turned and faced him..
Me: don’t touch me.
Timi ignored me, instead he kissed me again. This time his lips didn’t come off. Like it was daring me. I could taste him, his sweet lips, I could smell him, that masculine wonderful scent. My hands rested on his chest, wanting to push him back but I ended up pulling him closer. His fingers went beneath my gown again, and located my Vee, he rubbed me gently till I felt hot fluid fill the area. I moaning gently..i kissed him, sucked his tongue gently, to stop me from crying out.. my brain kept telling me to stop.. but I was weak…I knew I had to stop..
I pushed him away and stood up.
Me: Abayomi!
He didn’t answer..
Me: Abayomi!
He came running out of the room, Toun followed closely behind him
Me: Abayomi, come and sleep in the parlor with Timi
Toun had a smile on her face, I didn’t know why she was smiling until I looked at myself, the hardness of my Tips roared from the gown.
Abayomi: chai, Timi, you no get house?
Timi: Bleep you bruv
Abayomi went into the room and came back with a pillow. He kept hissing as he lay down.
I entered the room with Toun, only to find an opened but unused condom beside her pillow. I felt bad for Abayomi once again.
But most especially, I felt bad for myself. Timi was in my heart again.
Everytime I went to church that wasn’t catholic, I felt guilty. I was raised in a catholic home, but going for Mass here wasn’t something I wanted to do. So I had an agreement with God, I go to winners chapel like most students around here, then go for Mass when I am in Chief Dike’s house. Abayomi and Toun came to my house to pick me up. Abayomi was the only person in the crew that didn’t hold a position in church. While Toun and I were Ushers, Timi was the drummer. But he came to church early because of Toun.
As usual, the songs and praise and choir ministration took place, with Timi’s drumming one of my favorite parts. Annie was in church too, looking all pretty and hot with white blouse and a blue skirt. I ushered her in with some of her friends. When the Pastor started preaching, I removed my eyes from Timi.
Pastor: members of my church, I am glad we are gathered today on another Sunday that has been provided by God. Many people that saw last Sunday didn’t see this one. If you are glad that you saw this Sunday, shout hallelujah!
The congregation shouted Halleluyah..some even stood up to wave their hands to God.
Pastor: today we are talking about Miracles that break protocol…somebody say ‘MIRACLE’
As the congregation replied again, the pastor continued , but he stammered after a while, staring at the door..as an usher, I looked at the door too. I saw them
I didn’t know the first guy that entered the church nor the third to the fifth, but when Uche’s tall frame followed his colleagues in the straight file I knew who they were. They didn’t smile, infact they looked angry as they sat on a pew that I could have sworn was occupied but now seemed empty enough to accommodate them. I didn’t see Jafar, I concluded he was a muslim, ofcuz the name should have told me.
Then he entered.
Dressed in a green buba and sokoto, he walked gently, like the entire church was there because of him. He looked very good on the native with his gold chain glittering. It was like the entire church’s attention was on him, because the Pastor had to call back their attention.
Pastor: now if you open your bible to the book of Malachi…
Jafar sat inbetween the guys that came before him, they seemed to be sharing a joke among themselves because they were giggling inaudibly. Jafar just smiled.
Toun sent me a text message
Toun = isnt that Jafar
I replied her text
Me = yes o, him and his friends.
Toun: he doesn’t look like someone that should be in church.
I looked at her and we both smiled from the different rows we were managing.
Me = church is for everybody jor
Toun = I don’t know if its because he saved us, but I think I am crushing on him
Me: Na so dem dey crush, let Abayomi catch you.
She looked at me and laughed again.
I don’t know why, but I felt uneasy with Toun saying she had a crush on him…even if she was joking.
As soon as the service was over, I walked to their pew to say hello to him. Toun must have noticed because she met me as I was exchanging pleasantries with Uche.
Me: Uche, I haven’t seen you people in this church before
Uche: yes, we are born-again
The rest of his colleagues that heard this laughed, I looked at Jafar, he looked at me like he was looking for something in my eyes.
Me: anyways, welcome to our church. Why didn’t you people stand up when they asked new comers too?
This time , he didn’t bother answering me, he laughed away with his colleagues. I walked to Jafar. Abayomi had walked to where we were and was chatting with his chic.
Me: thanks for the other day
Jafar: you are welcome
Me: are you going to be a frequent member of the church?
I heard Timi unmistakable voice behind me, he was with Abayomi and Toun.
Jafar: Do you want me too?
I wanted to say ‘yes’ but then, what reason would I give, so he would make heaven?..so I just smiled.
Timi came to my hand and stretched his hand for an hand-shake with Jafar.
Timi: hello boss, I am Timi
Jafar: Jafar
His eyes registered the fact that this was the same Jafar that Abayomi told him about. I hoped Jafar didn’t see it in his eyes
Timi: nice native
Jafar: Timi, excuse me as I finish my discussion with Tana.
Timi was taken aback for a second, but he smiled and took it on the chin. He walked away while Jafar continued our discussion.
Jafar: we have a month till the elections, are you guys ready?
Me: I guess we are
Jafar: good. I have a good feeling about it
Me: if we lose, I hope you are not too disappointed in us.
Jafar used his palm to brush my face, from my fore-head to my chin. The movement was light and gentle. He spread his fingers as it got to my chin.
Jafar: I would not be disappointed in you.
I looked at him and he looked at me. I was not sure why but it seemed everybody else froze around us.
Me: thanks for coming, I have to go now..
Jafar: wait..
Me: what?
Jafar: have dinner with me in my house tonight
I wondered if that was the reason he came to church
Me: I am sorry I cant..will be very busy.
Jafar smiled.
Now, the truth was that we didn’t have tfare back to the house. We left our purses in the room. Toun called Abayomi to come pick us up at Bele. So we walked to Bele to chill for him. As usual, the place was filled with students drinking different brands of beers. Toun spotted kofo and told me that we should walk up to her.
Kofo: hey Toun, Tana, babes howfar?
Toun: we dey o
Me: Kofo howfar. Are you here alone or you came with a friend?
Kofo: I came with a group of friends. It’s a friend of mine’s birthday
Toun: oh, so how is the campaign going?
Kofo: It is going well, I think Timi is doing a good job
Toun: what of Abayomi, you think he will be a good president?
Kofo stammered abit, like her, I didn’t know what Toun was up to.
Kofo: I think so, but I should be asking you, you be him babe na..
Toun: but we are both straffing him na?
I wished the floor would swallow me. Something told me she knew I was aware of the ‘fuckage’.
Kofo: what do you mean, what kind of accusation is that? We are just friends o..
Toun smiled and turned to me.
Toun: Tee lets leave here, she disgusts me.
I quietly followed Toun. I wanted to apologize for keeping it from her but I kept my mouth shut.
Me: isn’t Abayomi supposed to pick us up here?
Toun: I will text him to meet us at bebe
Me: how did you find out about Kofo?
Toun: I found out a while ago, and I know u knew about it
Me: Abayomi has ended it
Toun: I know that too, rememnber those geeks that came requesting you drop kofo as the campaign manager?
Me: yes
Toun: I told them to put it in the contract.
Me: you are dangerous o
Toun: I am not dangerous; I am just protecting what’s mine
Me: why didn’t you break up with him?
Toun: whats the probability that I would find someone better who wouldn’t cheat? Atleast when I deprive him of sex sometimes, I don’t feel guilty.
Me: oh
We were lost in our talk that we didn’t see a car pull over beside us. Before I could say jack, Toun and I were bundled inside the car.
There was two guys at opposite sides of the door guiding Toun and I, the glasses of the car was tinted while the stereo was at full blast.
Guy in front : Na you wan be vice-president abi?
We were driven around blind-folded for a long time before the car stopped. When my eyes were opened, I realized we were in an incomplete building. Toun and I were tied down to a chair on sitting position. I started thinking of my parents and my sister. Is it worth to lose my life just because of University presidency? The person I was doing it for was probably enjoying himself somewhere now. The guys that brought us in left us alone for about fifteen minutes before another guy came in. he was an albino…a scary looking albino.
Albino guy: Tana, Toun welcome
Me: what are we doing here, people will realize we are missing and you will be in trouble
Toun: serious trouble o, do you know the daughter of whom I am?
Albino guy: my name is Skanty..
He smiled exposing very ugly yellow looking teeth.
Skanty: what are you looking for in SUG?
Me: what is the big deal that you are kidnapping us?
Skanty: its not a game for people like you and Abayomi, why not face your studies and graduate?
Toun: why not release us before you get into trouble?
Skanty smiled again, this time he brought out a metallic object that looked like a gun…was a gun
Toun: Jesu….
Me: what do you want from us?
Skanty: You will call Abayomi and tell him to step down, tell him u and Toun’s lives are on the line. If he tells the police, you are in trouble. As soon as we verified that he has stepped down, you are free..its that easy
Me: you can’t be serious
His eyebrow shut up like I just said the most silly thing possible. He got our phones and left the compartment.
Me: Toun are you scared
Toun: not really. Abayomi will step down and we will be free
Me: but I dnt like blackmail. It’s not fair
Toun: I am just tired, its trouble every time since he declared for this position
Twisting my neck, I looked at town as she looked helpless sitting on the chair.
Toun: I want to pee
Me: me too
We kept quiet for a while, and then I started laughing for no reason. Toun looked at me like I was mad, then she started laughing too. After a while my laughter turned to crying, as expected..Toun started crying too. It just dawned on us that we might be killed.
I didn’t know the time it was, but it was morning when the Albino came around. He brought us slices of bread and tea.
Me: we want to Pee
Toun: and take our bath
Skanty: to pee is okay, but taking your bath?... not possible..
Skanty scratched his head like he was wondering how he was gonna make us pee. He brought out his gun and told loosened Toun from the chair. He did same with me.
Skanty: now pull your clothes, everything…
Toun: we just wanna pee…no need to pull all our clothes
He started shouting..
Skanty: pull all your clothes now!
I started pulling mine; it took Toun a few minutes to join me. When we were stark Unclad, he told us to pee.
Me: we should pee here?...isn’t there any toilet
Skanty’s attention was on my boobs and shaved V. he didn’t bother answering me. Toun faced the wall, squatted and peed. The sound of her pee triggered mine. I spread my legs and peed standing…I noticed Skanty’s Attention..pervert !
Me: give me the phone let me call Abayomi
Skanty: so soon? I was just enjoying myself…
When he gave me the phone, I made the call..
Me: hello..
…Toun and I have been kidnapped..
….you are to step down so they can release us…
…please hurry..
He didn’t say anything as I spoke..all I heard was a hmmmm…then Jafar hung up.
How Jafar was going to rescue me from the poo I put myself was beyond comprehension. Maybe I should have just allowed that silly Volvo follow me around. Thoughts of Timi filtered into my brain. I wondered if I wouldn’t see him again, I wondered if I wouldn’t be able to run my fingers through his hair as he slept, hold him again. I thought about Abayomi, he would have been worried shitless now. Toun sat upright on the chair she was strapped on, if you didn’t look clearly, you would think she was conducting an interview. I was beginning to think there was something more to this SUG than met the eyes.
Skanty brought oatmeal for us at lunch, I had decided his brain also had melanin problem but I kept that to myself. He came in shirtless, never seen an albino with six-packs before, he had a good physique.
Skanty: No news from your people yet
Me: You will hear from them soon
Skanty: we cant keep feeding you guys here o, make una answer us fast
Toun: you are not a student of our school
Skanty: yes na
Toun: which school?
Skanty: don’t bother yourself with that..
He said this exposing those horrible teeth.
I must have slept off because I woke up to the sound of a car. I so hoped it was the police or somebody that came for us. If I was free again, I was going to look for Timi and tell him how I felt. I loved Timi. The silence that came afterwards was very depressing. It must have been one of them.
Toun: you thought someone had come for us?
Me: yes
Toun: me too
I noticed she was trying to stay calm, but tears were flowing down her face.
Toun: I have to call Abayomi myself, he has to step-down
Me: I just nodded
I wondered what the guarantee was that they wouldn’t do away with us even if Abayomi stepped down. I heard somewhere that if Kidnappers didn’t cover their faces when you are kidnapped then its most likely that you will be killed.
Me: Toun I love you.
Toun: I love you too
This time it was Skanty’s voice that woke us up. He came in with the other guys that kidnapped us. They swept the dirts around us, the stench of the urine was reduced by the water they poured on it. It was getting dark, I wanted to ask why they were cleaning the area up, but I kept quiet. I looked at Toun, wanted to remind her about speaking to Abayomi, but she was asleep.
Then the most remarkable thing happened after they finished cleaning. A familiar person walked into the compartment.
Jafar: time to go home ladies…
I was so happy, I wanted to run and hug him but I realized I was strapped.
Toun had problems walking, after being in sitting position all that time. Jafar carried her, her head rested on his chest as he led us out of the uncompleted building.
Jafar: I brought fried chicken and Krest
I didn’t answer him, I had a couple of questions to ask him but I didn’t. like how did he find us?
Instead I looked for his hands with mine, and held on to it as we walked out. Skanty looked at us with a smile, I was sure our unclothedness was in his head.
Toun: thank you Abayomi…
She muttered with eyes closed.. I wanted to correct her that it wasn’t her Abayomi that was carrying her. It was My Jafar.
My Jafar.
He placed Toun on the back seat , as she started regaining her senses.
Toun: who are you?
Jafar: Jafar
Toun: oh
Jafar: happy to finally meet you, Abayomi will be waiting for you
Toun: thank you
Me: awww the poor boy
Jafar: I am sure Timi is waiting for you too..
I smiled.
Skanty followed outside, and only went back when we started to leave.
Me: who are they?
Jafar: they are mercenaries
Me: I don’t get
Jafar: they are guys that are brought in from other schools to carry out operations that people from that school wouldn’t be able to carry out themselves
Me: do they like….rape and kill…?
Jafar: most times its about just guys and yes… they kill.
It was dark and he still drove with speed.
Me: so who sent them and how did you know who got us and how did you get us out?
Jafar: someone that doesn’t want Abayomi to be president. Asking the right people around, we found out the people that abducted you and brought enough money to trump that which was given to them by their client. I begged the Albino to accept the money, he laughed at my face a couple of times.
Me: those ugly teeth
Jafar: yeah..
Me: how much?
Jafar: You wan pay?
me: awww, so you had to use your money to get us out?
Jafar: yes, temporarily..
After a while, of driving I saw a car infront flash its lights.. he flashed back in return.. the Volvo parked beside his benz. The driver stuck out his head..
Uche: howfar?
Jafar: cool…same premises, they might leave in the morning bring back my brown envelope and the Albino..
Uche: what of the remaining guys?
I recognized the remaining guys in the Volvo, the same guys that handicapped Acho..
Jafar: just the Albino.
Jafar dropped us at Abayomi’s house. I felt guilty that I had reprimanded him for providing me with protection. As his Benz drove off, I thanked God for him. I thought of the Skanty, and even though I felt violated by him, I felt bad about what was going to happen to him. But who was I to tell Jafar not to do what he wants?
Abayomi was overjoyed when we stepped in. I actually saw tears of joys in his eyes as he carried Toun up..
Abayomi: I thought I would never see you guys again.
Toun: I love u.
Abayomi: I love you more.
Abayomi didn’t know that Toun knew he was bunking Kofo. Well, it is said that sex isnt an expression of love by guys, na we girls dey carry am for head.
Seeing them love-up, I thought of Timi, I so wanted to be in his arms right now..i didn’t realize I missed that silly boy so much. It was as if Abayomi was reading my thoughts for he said, “Timi has been worried sick”
Me: I see.
He went to Ibogun to campaign to the engineering students, he wants to see you tonight.
Me: I want to sleep. Can I sleep in your house tonight?
Toun: ofcuz you can, Abayomi will sleep in the parlor..
Abayomi: but baby I want to hold you tonight
Toun: Tana and I will sleep in your bed period. If not for you we wouldn’t have been kidnapped.
I didn’t really want to deprive Abayomi of his girlfriend tonight, I know I wanted to be with Timi.
Me: I will sleep in the parlour
Toun: serious?
Me: yes, but you guys shouldn’t have that annoying noisy sex o…keep it low..
Toun: idiot..
There was a knock on the door. My heart skipped as the happenings of the previous day jerked my chest. Timi walked into the room with his beautiful face. He didn’t acknowledge the greetings of Abayomi nor Toun, he just walked up to me and kissed me. Full on the lips…I let him.
Timi: what happened to you guys, where were you people?
Me: Abayomi didn’t tell you?
Timi: Tell me what?
Abayomi: I didn’t want him to know, when Jafar informed me, he told me not to tell anybody
Timi: but I am not anybody to Tana! So what happened?
I felt on top of the world
Abayomi told him…as they discussed, Toun and I went to take our bath. In the bathroom, all Unclad, we held each other , nothing sexual..our Tips getting hard was just as a result of the cold water washing away our dirtiness.
When we got back to the parlor, Timi shared the suya burger he had brought in. Suya burger was prepared by opening the popular Agege bread , putting Suya with excess amount of pepper and tomatoes in it, then heating it up. I craved it..Timi gets me, I concluded.
I had expected Abayomi and Toun to stay longer so I can just keep looking at Timi, but they retired early. leaving me and him in the parlor, without anything to talk about.
Me: you shouldn’t kiss me, you have a girlfriend.
Timi: I am sorry, I couldn’t help myself
Me: I should have stopped you it is my fault.
Timi: I am sorry about what you went through, I wish I had known..
Me: what will you have done?
Timi: cried like mad..
We both laughed. It was funny how everything looked how it was when we were dating, I still don’t know why this boy left me. I know he liked me, maybe not as much as I want.
Me: its time for you to bounce, its late
Timi: I thought you would want me to stay here with you, after what you went through..
Me: don’t worry, I am fine, you can go.
As he walked to the door, I wish I had told him to stay. I wondered if it was too late to. His broad shoulders looked so appealing, something I would want to hold as I slept.
Just like that the door closed and Timi was gone. I rushed to the door so I can open it and watch him go. The idiot was waiting when I opened the door, he had that silly ‘I know you would come’ smile on his baby face. I smiled too
Me: you can spend the night, but we would have to sleep on the floor.
Timi: thank you
Me: its just because I am still scared.
Timi: I know
Me: you must go before Abayomi or Toun wake’s up
Timi: yes ma
Me: don’t even think of touching me..
Timi: no problem ma
Me: good.
Some minutes later, we both lay down beside each other, my back was turned to him, but his long masculine hands wrapped me in that way that I had missed so much.
Me: why did you leave me?
Timi: im sorry
Me: I need an answer, Timi, just tell me so I can close this chapter
Timi : babe..lets let it go
I wanted to talk some more but I let him have his way. I was satisfied with where I was. I didn’t want to get angry.
I felt him move closer to me , but I didn’t react. i was wearing one of Toun’s sleeping gowns..my soft big bum was resting against his crotch. I felt him harden as he moved closer. I remembered when he used to tell me my bum was bigger than my future. I would chase him down the room then..good old days. I didn’t do it consciously, but I realized I was shooting my bum backwards to grind him.
Timi: I missed you
I kept quiet, even as his hands went beneath the gown and found the way to my bosoms. On his way to my bosoms, his hands brushed my Unclad bums. Didn’t I tell this guy not to touch me?
Timi: Your body…your body…
I abruptly turned and faced him..
Me: don’t touch me.
Timi ignored me, instead he kissed me again. This time his lips didn’t come off. Like it was daring me. I could taste him, his sweet lips, I could smell him, that masculine wonderful scent. My hands rested on his chest, wanting to push him back but I ended up pulling him closer. His fingers went beneath my gown again, and located my Vee, he rubbed me gently till I felt hot fluid fill the area. I moaning gently..i kissed him, sucked his tongue gently, to stop me from crying out.. my brain kept telling me to stop.. but I was weak…I knew I had to stop..
I pushed him away and stood up.
Me: Abayomi!
He didn’t answer..
Me: Abayomi!
He came running out of the room, Toun followed closely behind him
Me: Abayomi, come and sleep in the parlor with Timi
Toun had a smile on her face, I didn’t know why she was smiling until I looked at myself, the hardness of my Tips roared from the gown.
Abayomi: chai, Timi, you no get house?
Timi: Bleep you bruv
Abayomi went into the room and came back with a pillow. He kept hissing as he lay down.
I entered the room with Toun, only to find an opened but unused condom beside her pillow. I felt bad for Abayomi once again.
But most especially, I felt bad for myself. Timi was in my heart again.
Everytime I went to church that wasn’t catholic, I felt guilty. I was raised in a catholic home, but going for Mass here wasn’t something I wanted to do. So I had an agreement with God, I go to winners chapel like most students around here, then go for Mass when I am in Chief Dike’s house. Abayomi and Toun came to my house to pick me up. Abayomi was the only person in the crew that didn’t hold a position in church. While Toun and I were Ushers, Timi was the drummer. But he came to church early because of Toun.
As usual, the songs and praise and choir ministration took place, with Timi’s drumming one of my favorite parts. Annie was in church too, looking all pretty and hot with white blouse and a blue skirt. I ushered her in with some of her friends. When the Pastor started preaching, I removed my eyes from Timi.
Pastor: members of my church, I am glad we are gathered today on another Sunday that has been provided by God. Many people that saw last Sunday didn’t see this one. If you are glad that you saw this Sunday, shout hallelujah!
The congregation shouted Halleluyah..some even stood up to wave their hands to God.
Pastor: today we are talking about Miracles that break protocol…somebody say ‘MIRACLE’
As the congregation replied again, the pastor continued , but he stammered after a while, staring at the door..as an usher, I looked at the door too. I saw them
I didn’t know the first guy that entered the church nor the third to the fifth, but when Uche’s tall frame followed his colleagues in the straight file I knew who they were. They didn’t smile, infact they looked angry as they sat on a pew that I could have sworn was occupied but now seemed empty enough to accommodate them. I didn’t see Jafar, I concluded he was a muslim, ofcuz the name should have told me.
Then he entered.
Dressed in a green buba and sokoto, he walked gently, like the entire church was there because of him. He looked very good on the native with his gold chain glittering. It was like the entire church’s attention was on him, because the Pastor had to call back their attention.
Pastor: now if you open your bible to the book of Malachi…
Jafar sat inbetween the guys that came before him, they seemed to be sharing a joke among themselves because they were giggling inaudibly. Jafar just smiled.
Toun sent me a text message
Toun = isnt that Jafar
I replied her text
Me = yes o, him and his friends.
Toun: he doesn’t look like someone that should be in church.
I looked at her and we both smiled from the different rows we were managing.
Me = church is for everybody jor
Toun = I don’t know if its because he saved us, but I think I am crushing on him
Me: Na so dem dey crush, let Abayomi catch you.
She looked at me and laughed again.
I don’t know why, but I felt uneasy with Toun saying she had a crush on him…even if she was joking.
As soon as the service was over, I walked to their pew to say hello to him. Toun must have noticed because she met me as I was exchanging pleasantries with Uche.
Me: Uche, I haven’t seen you people in this church before
Uche: yes, we are born-again
The rest of his colleagues that heard this laughed, I looked at Jafar, he looked at me like he was looking for something in my eyes.
Me: anyways, welcome to our church. Why didn’t you people stand up when they asked new comers too?
This time , he didn’t bother answering me, he laughed away with his colleagues. I walked to Jafar. Abayomi had walked to where we were and was chatting with his chic.
Me: thanks for the other day
Jafar: you are welcome
Me: are you going to be a frequent member of the church?
I heard Timi unmistakable voice behind me, he was with Abayomi and Toun.
Jafar: Do you want me too?
I wanted to say ‘yes’ but then, what reason would I give, so he would make heaven?..so I just smiled.
Timi came to my hand and stretched his hand for an hand-shake with Jafar.
Timi: hello boss, I am Timi
Jafar: Jafar
His eyes registered the fact that this was the same Jafar that Abayomi told him about. I hoped Jafar didn’t see it in his eyes
Timi: nice native
Jafar: Timi, excuse me as I finish my discussion with Tana.
Timi was taken aback for a second, but he smiled and took it on the chin. He walked away while Jafar continued our discussion.
Jafar: we have a month till the elections, are you guys ready?
Me: I guess we are
Jafar: good. I have a good feeling about it
Me: if we lose, I hope you are not too disappointed in us.
Jafar used his palm to brush my face, from my fore-head to my chin. The movement was light and gentle. He spread his fingers as it got to my chin.
Jafar: I would not be disappointed in you.
I looked at him and he looked at me. I was not sure why but it seemed everybody else froze around us.
Me: thanks for coming, I have to go now..
Jafar: wait..
Me: what?
Jafar: have dinner with me in my house tonight
I wondered if that was the reason he came to church
Me: I am sorry I cant..will be very busy.
Jafar smiled.

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