The Devil who Loved me - Owolabi Adenola (Davidflo)
Episode 18
I was moody.
I was glad I was with Timi, I expect him to make me feel better in no time. Although I kept replaying everything that happened between Jafar and myself, I had to focus on the present. As Timi drove along, I tried figuring out the best time to tell him that I kissed Jafar..
Timi : are you okay? You look sad…
Me: I am good Timi, how far is the apartment?
Timi: It’s just the next street. Dapo, the guy who owns the place has travelled to Dubai, I have the keys…
Me: oh..thats good..
Timi: we are going to have so much fun…I know we are mourning but I will try to make you enjoy yourself..
Me: thank you, Timi.
Timi: don’t thank me, you know I love you…
I gave him a squeeze on the shoulder.
The apartment was a two-bedroom flat, sparsely decorated. As soon as we entered the room, Timi held me close..
TImi: you are the most important person to me…
Me: I am glad dear..
TImi: I know we are not where we should be now, but I have no doubt we will get there.
I remained in his arms for a while, I looked at his eyes and I saw love and admiration. I told myself I was at the right place..
Me: let me take my bath…
Timi: can I join you?...
Me: hahahahaha…rubbish boy…
I was in the bathroom, as the water splattered against my skin, I found myself thinking about Jafar again, the way he kissed me…held me…
I realized I was touching myself so I stopped. When I got back to the bedroom.. Timi had two wraps of beef-burger, a plastic bottle of coke and a plastic bottle of Sprite. I wore an over-sized jersey that Timi had given me, I was Unclad beneath…
Timi : Coke or Sprite?
Me: Sprite…
I initially enjoyed the Burger, but I soon got tired of it. Timi was done with his and proceeded to take a shower. I wanted to text Jafar, but I decided against it. I had to make a confession to Timi, that was my priority..i skimmed the Tv for programs to watch, Galaxy TV was the only clear station…I abandoned the Tv.
Timi entered the room with only a Towel around his waist.
Me: Fine boy…
He came to me, pushed me so that my back was pressed to the bed. The Jersey I was wearing slid up my thighs..He was on me, I had to spread my legs to accommodate his body. He rested on his elbows…
Our faces were inches apart…he wanted to kiss me, but I had to tell him what happened between Jafar and myself before I let him..
Me: Timi I have to tell you something…
He raised his head up, his waist was still on mine, I could still feel the rod-like hardness on me..
Timi: is it about Jafar?
Me: yes..
Timi: oh my God, don’t tell me you have slept with him…
Me: No….but I kissed him…twice…
Timi: thank God you didn’t ….
Me: you don’t mind that I kissed him?
Timi: I do but…I know you like him..i just hope I can win all your affection back that you don’t go back to him…I don’t deserve you…I know that…but I want to fight for you..
Me : awwwww…so sweet…
He came down and kissed me…his hands pressed against my breast until he found my Tips…
TImi: I miss this…
His other hand went beneath the Jersey…he started stroking me…
Me: Timi , I have something else to tell you…
Timi: cant we talk later?
Me: now…
TImi: what is it, my love?
Me: I am sorry but I have to break up with you…
Timi: what?
Me: I love you…I will always do…you know this…but I am not inlove with you anymore…
Timi: Jafar right?
I nodded…
He stood up with his arms held akimbo.
Timi: we can work through this..i understand…let us just build what we had from the scratch..
Me: my mind is made up , Timileyin..
Timi: over a cultist?
Me: I am sorry…
Timi: you are not thinking straight..
Me: I am…for the first time in a while…
Timi: so whats next?
Me: I have to go back to him, I belong with him…
Timi: what if he doesn’t want you?
Me: that’s the difference I guess…I love him not because I want him to love me in return…its enough for me just to love him..
I didn’t expect Timi to drive me back to Ago, but I didn’t expect him to dress up and just leave the house like that…
I took my bag, wore my slippers and went to look for Taxi, to take me to Ago…to Jafar..
The taxi that stopped to pick me wasn’t the type of taxi I would have gotten into but at that time of the night, I had no choice. I placed my bags on the bag seat, and joined him in front. I was careful while entering the front seat, I didn’t want the Jersey to expose my unclothedness.
On the way to Ago, I kept calling Timi but he didn’t pick up the phone. I didn’t call Jafar because I knew he was going to scold me. I started a conversation with the driver, he seemed about my age, I noticed he was staring at my chest, the cold night was having an effect on my nips.
Me: are you ACN or PDP?
Driver : madam I swear, na whoever give me money I go support…all of them be thieves
Me: that money go turn your belle o…
Driver: na lie, na my own part of the national cake. Everybody know say na Gbenga Daniel go win, but if ACN wan waste their money, wetin concern me?
Me: are you married?
Driver: yes, I get three pikin sef..
Me: no vex o, how old are you?
Driver: 24 yrs, this December.
Me: is madam?
Driver: she dey fine…
I decided to discontinue the conversation, he probably wouldn’t understand if I told him he had probably spoilt his life before it even started.
Due to the recent student killings, the town was scanty, even the indigenes of Ago-iwoye stayed indoors after dark. I told the driver to take me to Aiyegbami, but as we approached Jafar’s house, he stopped.
Me: take me closer na..
Driver: no vex madam, around this time I no fit carry you reach that side. The guys wey dey stay there whoski!
Me: just go front small…
Driver: abeg no vex, na here I go turn back.
I took a look at the three bags at the bag seat, Jafar’s house was still about 70m from our position. But the driver wasn’t moving an inch. So I got down and started the agonizing walk to his house.
It was dark, the path leading to the house had wild bourgenvilla growing at opposite ends. The pink flowers was an irony to the kind of guys that they led to. I must have been very silly to have left Timi’s house like this, I looked at myself with only a Jersey on. At least I would have put on panties. As I approached the house I heard footsteps behind me. I was scared…
Voice: who goes there?
I kept walking, forgetting how heavy the bags were, I walked faster..
Voice: stop, you they crase!
I had to stop at that point, the voice wasn’t joking. In no time, two guys were infront of me, they shone a light on my face that temporarily blinded me…
Guy (Voice): Oh madam! Na you…you for talk na…
I looked at the guy talking, he was light skinned in complexion, he wore a black over-all , the other guy with him wore the same, but he was dark in complexion. I didn’t know them.
Me: I am going to the house.
I pointed to Jafar’s crib.
They insisted in helping me carry a bag each, I noticed that they quicky put something around their waste…guns
I thanked them after we got to the front of the house, they dropped the bags and disappeared into the night..I knocked for about 3 minutes with no response..
Me: Hellooooooo!..
The curtain beside the door, shifted abit…I couldn’t make out the face but it peeked at me. The door opened, as I entered, I was surrounded by about twelve guys, they were all trying to hide their guys…I saw it..
It occurred to me that my knocking must have alerted them of an intruder…the smell of cigarette and marijuana was faintly hidden. Uche was standing at the corner, his pump-action was too large to hide, he gave up and placed it on the snooker table…
Uche : welcome..wetin you buy come for us?
Me: myself…
I realized the statement looked awkward, especially with the way I was dressed…some of the guys tried to hide their smiles with a cough or two…I was slightly embarrassed..
Uche: Jafar dey him room..
And with that, they turned their back on me and started saying things I didn’t bother to comprehend…
I knocked on Jafar’s door…
Jafar : come in!..
As I entered the room, I didn’t see anybody…until I felt a cold metal on my cheek..
I turned in the metal holder’s direction..
Jafar : Tana…what are you doing here?
Me: nothing…I just came to say “hi”
He laughed as he lowered his gun….i had missed his laugh..
Jafar : Seriously, isn’t it too late?
Me: oya, lemme go back to where I am coming from..
I acted like I wanted to walk out of the room, he didn’t move an inch..
Me: you won’t call me back?
Jafar: your bags are still here..
That was true, I looked at him, frowned my face and pouted.
Jafar: its dangerous out there…I am not impressed..
Me: I am sorry, I couldn’t stay with Timi..
He led me to the bed, we sat…
Jafar: are you okay though?
Me: yes I am…
Jafar: we will talk later, the guys and I have to go out now?
Me: Ahn ahn…this late?
Jafar: yes…I will see you later…
Me: later when?
Jafar: we should be back before sunrise…
Me: where are you going to?
The look he gave me told me I had just asked a silly question..
Jafar: when I get back we will talk..
Me: ok..
Jafar: You would have to stay here, Uche stays in the room you and Toun vacated..
I frowned my face like I didn’t plan to stay in his room..
Me: ok..
He changed his clothes into a darker one, and in no time, the house was relatively empty…
I said a silent prayer, that whatever he was going to do, wherever he was going, God should bring him back in one piece. I tried Timi’s number one more time, he didn’t pick my call..i fell ontop of his bed and slept.
I was in the middle of the street, I was surrounded by people…I was screaming but nobody came to my aid, infront of me, sprawled on the floor with blood gushing out of his side was a dead Jafar..Eli was in the crowd too, grinning sheepishly…Toun later came to my side and started crying with me…I was crying when I woke up…it was a dream, I could hear somebody knocking the door but I was too paralyzed to stand..The person kept knocking…
Jafar: Tana, open the door…
I heard his voice…the kind of happiness I felt was overwhelming…I rushed to open the door, I almost tripped as I got there…
Jafar: sorry I woke u up, it’s about 3am..
Me: keep waking me up…as long as you keep coming back
Jafar: huh?
I forced a hug from him…
Me: welcome…how was it…you look tired…
He walked into the room and pulled his shirt and trouser…I helped him hang them in his wardrobe…
Jafar: you should got to sleep now, I will take my bath now…
Me: Okay…
I went back to bed and started thinking about the dream. I couldn’t stop myself from crying, I felt so terrible…the silly Evanescence song “my immortal” was playing in his speakers, my pain and the pain of the song got to me…
Jafar: what is wrong?
I didn’t know when he had finished taking his bath, he was on a boxer shot, a towel was round his neck.
Me: nothing…
Jafar: tell me…pls…you are crying…
He removed the towel from his neck and lay down beside me…
Me: I had a dream…
Jafar: tell me what it was about…
Me: you died in the dream, and I was crying…I was surrounded by people…Eli killed you…
I started crying again…he cleaned my tears with his palm..
Jafar: stop crying, it’s just a dream…it won’t happen…
Me: my dreams come to pass…
Jafar: this one won’t….
Me: promise?
Jafar: I promise…
I cleaned my eyes..he was looking at me like I was a little crazy…so I laughed…
Jafar: you are beautiful…laughing with tears in your eyes…
Me: I am?
He bent down and kissed me…he started with the tip of my lips…then I spread my lips open..the warmth of his mouth was heavenly….he raised the Jersey over my head, he was pleasantly surprised when he realized I was Unclad…he came on top of me…the full length of him…tasted my neck…then my nips…my hands where spread wide like I was an eagle…I was making sounds I have never made before…it was like he was rolling his tongue…I was trembling…I pushed him to his back, then I climbed him…I kissed every part of his unique face…his goatee pressed against my cheek as I kissed his adam’s apple…my fingers went to his nips…before my lips joined them…my bum was shot upward, like he was a power bike…my vee was moist in anticipation…I ran my hand down his hard abdomen till it got to his boxers, my lips returned to his lips…I caressed his dick, the thin cotton material of his boxer short was finding it hard to hold on to the hardness that was trying to breakout…the more I caressed, the harder it got…I found the buttons that covered the opening infront of the boxers, freeing it, I dipped my hand inside to bring out his dick…he let out a controlled sound…I started grinding my hips on his…his dick was pressed against my vee, the lips of my vee..partly swollen now with heightened excitement, the fluid was rubbing against the top of his dick, the wet slopping sound audible…I wanted him inside of me…I wanted it then more than I wanted anything in the world…he held my hands and gently placed me on the bed…He gave me a look like he was asking for my consent before he proceeded..
Me: I want you…
I spread my legs, reached out for his dick and guided it to the entrance of my he leaned closer…the lips spread open…soaking and warm..he stopped again and looked at me…i pulled him by the neck so that his face was on the bed, beside my face…my right hand held the back of his head, his chest was pressed against my breasts…my left hand was at his back…
Me: make love to me….
He entered me.
We made love two more times that night.
We both remained Unclad beneath the blanket, exhausted from the sex we had. I didn’t feel guilty, with someone like Jafar, I didn’t know how much time I would have with him, Toun and Abayomi’s ish taught me that you should go for whatever you want, no one knows tomorrow..
I was awake but I was sure he was asleep. Even as he slept, he was so desirable. In another place, another time and in another world, I would have been happy lying next to him. But I had my fears, especially with the dream. I didn’t want him to die, he meant the world to me…I was the harshest judge of myself, but in Jafar’s case, I would rather be guilty being with him.
When I opened my eyes again, he was not in bed. I checked my phone to see if he had left a message but he hadn’t. I called his phone, it rang close to me..i was glad he was still around. I wore the Jersey again, went to the bathroom to clean up then decided to call Timi..
Timi: hey..
Me: you haven’t been picking my calls
Timi: I was busy…
Me: Timi, look I am sorry…
Timi: its alright, I guess the heart wants what it wants…
Me: we can still be close friends?
Timi: I would like that..
Me: don’t forget to wear black tomorrow…
Timi: sure, my regards to Jafar..
Me: Timi…stop..
Timi: seriously..if he hurts you…tell him I will come for him..
Me: he won’t…
Timi: bye …
Me: bye dear…
I felt a weight lifted from my chest after I had spoken to Timi…I called Toun…
Toun: babes..
Me: how are you faring?
Toun: I am better o…I cry less now..
Me: I am glad…
Toun: don’t forget to wear black tomorrow..
Me: never…
Toun: how is Timi and Jafar?
Me: hmmmm
Toun: what has been happening?
Me: I broke up with Timi..
Toun: I expected this…
Me: I slept with Jafar last night…
Toun: wow! guys are together now?
Me: not really…I don’t know…I suspect he will tell me I am not safe in his house and I will have to vacate…but I am inlove with him…
Toun: does he love you?
Me: how will I know, I know he likes me though..
Toun: are you happy?
Me: I am happy, but I am scared…I don’t want him to die…
Toun: he won’t die…
Me: are you sure?
Toun: yes…
Me: thank you dear, it’s such a relief talking to you..
Toun: I would be going to Zenon house on Monday, to pick my passport
Me: that’s for your UK Visa?
Toun: yes…mumsi said I need a change in environment…
Me: what if school resumes?
Toun: fvck school!
Me: Just take care of yourself dear..
Toun: you too Tee…
Jafar came in with a cup of tea, two slices of bread and a boiled egg…
Jafar : breakfast for the lady!
Me: I have not brushed yet…I think I left my brush in have a spare…?
Jafar: smelly mouth….you can use mine…
Me: you can be romantic sometimes o…
Jafar smiled..
Me: I would be going to Sagamu tomorrow to stay with a friend..
Jafar: when?
Me: Tomorrow..
Jafar: what happened between Timi and yourself…
I walked to his bathroom, he followed me..
Me: nothing…
Jafar: you guys had a fight?
Me: no..
Jafar: sooo?
Me: He kissed me and I realized I couldn’t kiss him back
Jafar: oh…
Me: what?
Jafar: nothing
Me: talk jor…
Jafar: i’m glad you didn’t kiss him…
He went out with his guys, he told me he wouldn’t be going far, so I spent my time taking my bath and cooking Jollof rice. I was wearing a blue jean and a purple top, I went through his wardrobe until I found his body spray…I wanted to smell like him so I sprayed myself tiny puffs of his “King” deodorant.
Few hours later, the guys were munching the Jollof rice like they hadn’t eaten in a while..
Jafar: The guys are grateful, they haven’t eaten something as nice as this in a while..
Me: who does the cooking here?
Jafar: I do..
Me: what of all the girls that flock this place…?
Jafar: Na u sabi…
Me: would you be going out later today?
Jafar: nope…
Me: good…because I have only today to stay with you before I leave..
Jafar: you are really excited about going?
He was eating on the floor, while I sat on the bed with his TV remote control…
Me: not really, I would have gone to Lagos but I don’t think it would help my state of mind..
Jafar: stay with me here…
Me: No…you know it is not proper at this time…
Jafar: true…
Me: when you finish eating, join me in the bed; I want to know about your childhood…
He soon finished eating and joined me in bed…
Me: oya, tell me everything…
Jafar: I really never had an interesting childhood
Me: how?
Jafar: my father was into Contracts with the Military…I was his only child and my mother was dead. He couldn’t carry me all over the country with him as he travelled…so he brought me to Ogun-state, Mayflower Junior school. I was enrolled in 1 special…Holidays was spent with my matrons. He came by once in a while with a lot of money and stuff, but he soon disappeared…I was enrolled into Mayflower secondary school years later, unfortunately, he was a business partner of General Diya, so when Diya was arrested, he went into hiding. Even after Abacha died, I saw only his money..That’s my child hood..
Me: is that why you are schooling in the west?
Jafar: yes….
Me: do you miss your mum?
Jafar: nope, I really never knew her..
His phone rang…
After talking for a while, he hung up…
Jafar: I have to go now..
Me: why? said you will stay here….
Jafar: someone has been killed close to the market…
Me: your guy?
Jafar: yep..
Me: I am sorry…
He nodded as he left the room with his white vest and khaki short.
I was sleeping when he came back…the other guys came in quietly too.
Me: how was it?
I said this after I opened the door to see his sad face…
Jafar: He is dead alright…
Me: how did they kill him?
Jafar: you really want to know?
Me: yes…I want to know all that is in your head…
Jafar: he was shot in the head. We carried his body before the police and school authorities got to it..
Me: why?
Jafar: when a Confra member is killed, the school sends the body to the medical school in Sagamu, where 2nd and 3rd year medical students use the body as cadaver.
Me: hmmmm, without the parents being aware?
Jafar: yes…Tana, I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but if I should die, I should be buried that night…I have told Uche but you know….he might be killed too…
Me: chai, which type of silly talk is this? promised you would not die…
Jafar: I wont…I am just saying should incase…
Me: there is power in the tongue, shut up!
Jafar: have I ever told you, you are so lovely?
Me: nope…
Jafar: you are..
Me: why are you all mushy mushy now?
Jafar: death puts a guy in perspective…
Me: stop talking about death…
We were both in bed…
Jafar: I have liked you since the first time I saw you…
Me: when was that?
Jafar: During GNS 103, I was in your class, I saw you answer a question once and you got stuck in my head…
Me: why didn’t you ever tell me…
Jafar: because of Timi…plus someone like you doesn’t deserve just a fling…
Me: that is so sweet…
Jafar: come let me show you something….
Me : where?
Jafar: Just come…
It was past 9pm when I entered his benz with him, and he drove us into the night…
Episode 18
I was moody.
I was glad I was with Timi, I expect him to make me feel better in no time. Although I kept replaying everything that happened between Jafar and myself, I had to focus on the present. As Timi drove along, I tried figuring out the best time to tell him that I kissed Jafar..
Timi : are you okay? You look sad…
Me: I am good Timi, how far is the apartment?
Timi: It’s just the next street. Dapo, the guy who owns the place has travelled to Dubai, I have the keys…
Me: oh..thats good..
Timi: we are going to have so much fun…I know we are mourning but I will try to make you enjoy yourself..
Me: thank you, Timi.
Timi: don’t thank me, you know I love you…
I gave him a squeeze on the shoulder.
The apartment was a two-bedroom flat, sparsely decorated. As soon as we entered the room, Timi held me close..
TImi: you are the most important person to me…
Me: I am glad dear..
TImi: I know we are not where we should be now, but I have no doubt we will get there.
I remained in his arms for a while, I looked at his eyes and I saw love and admiration. I told myself I was at the right place..
Me: let me take my bath…
Timi: can I join you?...
Me: hahahahaha…rubbish boy…
I was in the bathroom, as the water splattered against my skin, I found myself thinking about Jafar again, the way he kissed me…held me…
I realized I was touching myself so I stopped. When I got back to the bedroom.. Timi had two wraps of beef-burger, a plastic bottle of coke and a plastic bottle of Sprite. I wore an over-sized jersey that Timi had given me, I was Unclad beneath…
Timi : Coke or Sprite?
Me: Sprite…
I initially enjoyed the Burger, but I soon got tired of it. Timi was done with his and proceeded to take a shower. I wanted to text Jafar, but I decided against it. I had to make a confession to Timi, that was my priority..i skimmed the Tv for programs to watch, Galaxy TV was the only clear station…I abandoned the Tv.
Timi entered the room with only a Towel around his waist.
Me: Fine boy…
He came to me, pushed me so that my back was pressed to the bed. The Jersey I was wearing slid up my thighs..He was on me, I had to spread my legs to accommodate his body. He rested on his elbows…
Our faces were inches apart…he wanted to kiss me, but I had to tell him what happened between Jafar and myself before I let him..
Me: Timi I have to tell you something…
He raised his head up, his waist was still on mine, I could still feel the rod-like hardness on me..
Timi: is it about Jafar?
Me: yes..
Timi: oh my God, don’t tell me you have slept with him…
Me: No….but I kissed him…twice…
Timi: thank God you didn’t ….
Me: you don’t mind that I kissed him?
Timi: I do but…I know you like him..i just hope I can win all your affection back that you don’t go back to him…I don’t deserve you…I know that…but I want to fight for you..
Me : awwwww…so sweet…
He came down and kissed me…his hands pressed against my breast until he found my Tips…
TImi: I miss this…
His other hand went beneath the Jersey…he started stroking me…
Me: Timi , I have something else to tell you…
Timi: cant we talk later?
Me: now…
TImi: what is it, my love?
Me: I am sorry but I have to break up with you…
Timi: what?
Me: I love you…I will always do…you know this…but I am not inlove with you anymore…
Timi: Jafar right?
I nodded…
He stood up with his arms held akimbo.
Timi: we can work through this..i understand…let us just build what we had from the scratch..
Me: my mind is made up , Timileyin..
Timi: over a cultist?
Me: I am sorry…
Timi: you are not thinking straight..
Me: I am…for the first time in a while…
Timi: so whats next?
Me: I have to go back to him, I belong with him…
Timi: what if he doesn’t want you?
Me: that’s the difference I guess…I love him not because I want him to love me in return…its enough for me just to love him..
I didn’t expect Timi to drive me back to Ago, but I didn’t expect him to dress up and just leave the house like that…
I took my bag, wore my slippers and went to look for Taxi, to take me to Ago…to Jafar..
The taxi that stopped to pick me wasn’t the type of taxi I would have gotten into but at that time of the night, I had no choice. I placed my bags on the bag seat, and joined him in front. I was careful while entering the front seat, I didn’t want the Jersey to expose my unclothedness.
On the way to Ago, I kept calling Timi but he didn’t pick up the phone. I didn’t call Jafar because I knew he was going to scold me. I started a conversation with the driver, he seemed about my age, I noticed he was staring at my chest, the cold night was having an effect on my nips.
Me: are you ACN or PDP?
Driver : madam I swear, na whoever give me money I go support…all of them be thieves
Me: that money go turn your belle o…
Driver: na lie, na my own part of the national cake. Everybody know say na Gbenga Daniel go win, but if ACN wan waste their money, wetin concern me?
Me: are you married?
Driver: yes, I get three pikin sef..
Me: no vex o, how old are you?
Driver: 24 yrs, this December.
Me: is madam?
Driver: she dey fine…
I decided to discontinue the conversation, he probably wouldn’t understand if I told him he had probably spoilt his life before it even started.
Due to the recent student killings, the town was scanty, even the indigenes of Ago-iwoye stayed indoors after dark. I told the driver to take me to Aiyegbami, but as we approached Jafar’s house, he stopped.
Me: take me closer na..
Driver: no vex madam, around this time I no fit carry you reach that side. The guys wey dey stay there whoski!
Me: just go front small…
Driver: abeg no vex, na here I go turn back.
I took a look at the three bags at the bag seat, Jafar’s house was still about 70m from our position. But the driver wasn’t moving an inch. So I got down and started the agonizing walk to his house.
It was dark, the path leading to the house had wild bourgenvilla growing at opposite ends. The pink flowers was an irony to the kind of guys that they led to. I must have been very silly to have left Timi’s house like this, I looked at myself with only a Jersey on. At least I would have put on panties. As I approached the house I heard footsteps behind me. I was scared…
Voice: who goes there?
I kept walking, forgetting how heavy the bags were, I walked faster..
Voice: stop, you they crase!
I had to stop at that point, the voice wasn’t joking. In no time, two guys were infront of me, they shone a light on my face that temporarily blinded me…
Guy (Voice): Oh madam! Na you…you for talk na…
I looked at the guy talking, he was light skinned in complexion, he wore a black over-all , the other guy with him wore the same, but he was dark in complexion. I didn’t know them.
Me: I am going to the house.
I pointed to Jafar’s crib.
They insisted in helping me carry a bag each, I noticed that they quicky put something around their waste…guns
I thanked them after we got to the front of the house, they dropped the bags and disappeared into the night..I knocked for about 3 minutes with no response..
Me: Hellooooooo!..
The curtain beside the door, shifted abit…I couldn’t make out the face but it peeked at me. The door opened, as I entered, I was surrounded by about twelve guys, they were all trying to hide their guys…I saw it..
It occurred to me that my knocking must have alerted them of an intruder…the smell of cigarette and marijuana was faintly hidden. Uche was standing at the corner, his pump-action was too large to hide, he gave up and placed it on the snooker table…
Uche : welcome..wetin you buy come for us?
Me: myself…
I realized the statement looked awkward, especially with the way I was dressed…some of the guys tried to hide their smiles with a cough or two…I was slightly embarrassed..
Uche: Jafar dey him room..
And with that, they turned their back on me and started saying things I didn’t bother to comprehend…
I knocked on Jafar’s door…
Jafar : come in!..
As I entered the room, I didn’t see anybody…until I felt a cold metal on my cheek..
I turned in the metal holder’s direction..
Jafar : Tana…what are you doing here?
Me: nothing…I just came to say “hi”
He laughed as he lowered his gun….i had missed his laugh..
Jafar : Seriously, isn’t it too late?
Me: oya, lemme go back to where I am coming from..
I acted like I wanted to walk out of the room, he didn’t move an inch..
Me: you won’t call me back?
Jafar: your bags are still here..
That was true, I looked at him, frowned my face and pouted.
Jafar: its dangerous out there…I am not impressed..
Me: I am sorry, I couldn’t stay with Timi..
He led me to the bed, we sat…
Jafar: are you okay though?
Me: yes I am…
Jafar: we will talk later, the guys and I have to go out now?
Me: Ahn ahn…this late?
Jafar: yes…I will see you later…
Me: later when?
Jafar: we should be back before sunrise…
Me: where are you going to?
The look he gave me told me I had just asked a silly question..
Jafar: when I get back we will talk..
Me: ok..
Jafar: You would have to stay here, Uche stays in the room you and Toun vacated..
I frowned my face like I didn’t plan to stay in his room..
Me: ok..
He changed his clothes into a darker one, and in no time, the house was relatively empty…
I said a silent prayer, that whatever he was going to do, wherever he was going, God should bring him back in one piece. I tried Timi’s number one more time, he didn’t pick my call..i fell ontop of his bed and slept.
I was in the middle of the street, I was surrounded by people…I was screaming but nobody came to my aid, infront of me, sprawled on the floor with blood gushing out of his side was a dead Jafar..Eli was in the crowd too, grinning sheepishly…Toun later came to my side and started crying with me…I was crying when I woke up…it was a dream, I could hear somebody knocking the door but I was too paralyzed to stand..The person kept knocking…
Jafar: Tana, open the door…
I heard his voice…the kind of happiness I felt was overwhelming…I rushed to open the door, I almost tripped as I got there…
Jafar: sorry I woke u up, it’s about 3am..
Me: keep waking me up…as long as you keep coming back
Jafar: huh?
I forced a hug from him…
Me: welcome…how was it…you look tired…
He walked into the room and pulled his shirt and trouser…I helped him hang them in his wardrobe…
Jafar: you should got to sleep now, I will take my bath now…
Me: Okay…
I went back to bed and started thinking about the dream. I couldn’t stop myself from crying, I felt so terrible…the silly Evanescence song “my immortal” was playing in his speakers, my pain and the pain of the song got to me…
Jafar: what is wrong?
I didn’t know when he had finished taking his bath, he was on a boxer shot, a towel was round his neck.
Me: nothing…
Jafar: tell me…pls…you are crying…
He removed the towel from his neck and lay down beside me…
Me: I had a dream…
Jafar: tell me what it was about…
Me: you died in the dream, and I was crying…I was surrounded by people…Eli killed you…
I started crying again…he cleaned my tears with his palm..
Jafar: stop crying, it’s just a dream…it won’t happen…
Me: my dreams come to pass…
Jafar: this one won’t….
Me: promise?
Jafar: I promise…
I cleaned my eyes..he was looking at me like I was a little crazy…so I laughed…
Jafar: you are beautiful…laughing with tears in your eyes…
Me: I am?
He bent down and kissed me…he started with the tip of my lips…then I spread my lips open..the warmth of his mouth was heavenly….he raised the Jersey over my head, he was pleasantly surprised when he realized I was Unclad…he came on top of me…the full length of him…tasted my neck…then my nips…my hands where spread wide like I was an eagle…I was making sounds I have never made before…it was like he was rolling his tongue…I was trembling…I pushed him to his back, then I climbed him…I kissed every part of his unique face…his goatee pressed against my cheek as I kissed his adam’s apple…my fingers went to his nips…before my lips joined them…my bum was shot upward, like he was a power bike…my vee was moist in anticipation…I ran my hand down his hard abdomen till it got to his boxers, my lips returned to his lips…I caressed his dick, the thin cotton material of his boxer short was finding it hard to hold on to the hardness that was trying to breakout…the more I caressed, the harder it got…I found the buttons that covered the opening infront of the boxers, freeing it, I dipped my hand inside to bring out his dick…he let out a controlled sound…I started grinding my hips on his…his dick was pressed against my vee, the lips of my vee..partly swollen now with heightened excitement, the fluid was rubbing against the top of his dick, the wet slopping sound audible…I wanted him inside of me…I wanted it then more than I wanted anything in the world…he held my hands and gently placed me on the bed…He gave me a look like he was asking for my consent before he proceeded..
Me: I want you…
I spread my legs, reached out for his dick and guided it to the entrance of my he leaned closer…the lips spread open…soaking and warm..he stopped again and looked at me…i pulled him by the neck so that his face was on the bed, beside my face…my right hand held the back of his head, his chest was pressed against my breasts…my left hand was at his back…
Me: make love to me….
He entered me.
We made love two more times that night.
We both remained Unclad beneath the blanket, exhausted from the sex we had. I didn’t feel guilty, with someone like Jafar, I didn’t know how much time I would have with him, Toun and Abayomi’s ish taught me that you should go for whatever you want, no one knows tomorrow..
I was awake but I was sure he was asleep. Even as he slept, he was so desirable. In another place, another time and in another world, I would have been happy lying next to him. But I had my fears, especially with the dream. I didn’t want him to die, he meant the world to me…I was the harshest judge of myself, but in Jafar’s case, I would rather be guilty being with him.
When I opened my eyes again, he was not in bed. I checked my phone to see if he had left a message but he hadn’t. I called his phone, it rang close to me..i was glad he was still around. I wore the Jersey again, went to the bathroom to clean up then decided to call Timi..
Timi: hey..
Me: you haven’t been picking my calls
Timi: I was busy…
Me: Timi, look I am sorry…
Timi: its alright, I guess the heart wants what it wants…
Me: we can still be close friends?
Timi: I would like that..
Me: don’t forget to wear black tomorrow…
Timi: sure, my regards to Jafar..
Me: Timi…stop..
Timi: seriously..if he hurts you…tell him I will come for him..
Me: he won’t…
Timi: bye …
Me: bye dear…
I felt a weight lifted from my chest after I had spoken to Timi…I called Toun…
Toun: babes..
Me: how are you faring?
Toun: I am better o…I cry less now..
Me: I am glad…
Toun: don’t forget to wear black tomorrow..
Me: never…
Toun: how is Timi and Jafar?
Me: hmmmm
Toun: what has been happening?
Me: I broke up with Timi..
Toun: I expected this…
Me: I slept with Jafar last night…
Toun: wow! guys are together now?
Me: not really…I don’t know…I suspect he will tell me I am not safe in his house and I will have to vacate…but I am inlove with him…
Toun: does he love you?
Me: how will I know, I know he likes me though..
Toun: are you happy?
Me: I am happy, but I am scared…I don’t want him to die…
Toun: he won’t die…
Me: are you sure?
Toun: yes…
Me: thank you dear, it’s such a relief talking to you..
Toun: I would be going to Zenon house on Monday, to pick my passport
Me: that’s for your UK Visa?
Toun: yes…mumsi said I need a change in environment…
Me: what if school resumes?
Toun: fvck school!
Me: Just take care of yourself dear..
Toun: you too Tee…
Jafar came in with a cup of tea, two slices of bread and a boiled egg…
Jafar : breakfast for the lady!
Me: I have not brushed yet…I think I left my brush in have a spare…?
Jafar: smelly mouth….you can use mine…
Me: you can be romantic sometimes o…
Jafar smiled..
Me: I would be going to Sagamu tomorrow to stay with a friend..
Jafar: when?
Me: Tomorrow..
Jafar: what happened between Timi and yourself…
I walked to his bathroom, he followed me..
Me: nothing…
Jafar: you guys had a fight?
Me: no..
Jafar: sooo?
Me: He kissed me and I realized I couldn’t kiss him back
Jafar: oh…
Me: what?
Jafar: nothing
Me: talk jor…
Jafar: i’m glad you didn’t kiss him…
He went out with his guys, he told me he wouldn’t be going far, so I spent my time taking my bath and cooking Jollof rice. I was wearing a blue jean and a purple top, I went through his wardrobe until I found his body spray…I wanted to smell like him so I sprayed myself tiny puffs of his “King” deodorant.
Few hours later, the guys were munching the Jollof rice like they hadn’t eaten in a while..
Jafar: The guys are grateful, they haven’t eaten something as nice as this in a while..
Me: who does the cooking here?
Jafar: I do..
Me: what of all the girls that flock this place…?
Jafar: Na u sabi…
Me: would you be going out later today?
Jafar: nope…
Me: good…because I have only today to stay with you before I leave..
Jafar: you are really excited about going?
He was eating on the floor, while I sat on the bed with his TV remote control…
Me: not really, I would have gone to Lagos but I don’t think it would help my state of mind..
Jafar: stay with me here…
Me: No…you know it is not proper at this time…
Jafar: true…
Me: when you finish eating, join me in the bed; I want to know about your childhood…
He soon finished eating and joined me in bed…
Me: oya, tell me everything…
Jafar: I really never had an interesting childhood
Me: how?
Jafar: my father was into Contracts with the Military…I was his only child and my mother was dead. He couldn’t carry me all over the country with him as he travelled…so he brought me to Ogun-state, Mayflower Junior school. I was enrolled in 1 special…Holidays was spent with my matrons. He came by once in a while with a lot of money and stuff, but he soon disappeared…I was enrolled into Mayflower secondary school years later, unfortunately, he was a business partner of General Diya, so when Diya was arrested, he went into hiding. Even after Abacha died, I saw only his money..That’s my child hood..
Me: is that why you are schooling in the west?
Jafar: yes….
Me: do you miss your mum?
Jafar: nope, I really never knew her..
His phone rang…
After talking for a while, he hung up…
Jafar: I have to go now..
Me: why? said you will stay here….
Jafar: someone has been killed close to the market…
Me: your guy?
Jafar: yep..
Me: I am sorry…
He nodded as he left the room with his white vest and khaki short.
I was sleeping when he came back…the other guys came in quietly too.
Me: how was it?
I said this after I opened the door to see his sad face…
Jafar: He is dead alright…
Me: how did they kill him?
Jafar: you really want to know?
Me: yes…I want to know all that is in your head…
Jafar: he was shot in the head. We carried his body before the police and school authorities got to it..
Me: why?
Jafar: when a Confra member is killed, the school sends the body to the medical school in Sagamu, where 2nd and 3rd year medical students use the body as cadaver.
Me: hmmmm, without the parents being aware?
Jafar: yes…Tana, I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but if I should die, I should be buried that night…I have told Uche but you know….he might be killed too…
Me: chai, which type of silly talk is this? promised you would not die…
Jafar: I wont…I am just saying should incase…
Me: there is power in the tongue, shut up!
Jafar: have I ever told you, you are so lovely?
Me: nope…
Jafar: you are..
Me: why are you all mushy mushy now?
Jafar: death puts a guy in perspective…
Me: stop talking about death…
We were both in bed…
Jafar: I have liked you since the first time I saw you…
Me: when was that?
Jafar: During GNS 103, I was in your class, I saw you answer a question once and you got stuck in my head…
Me: why didn’t you ever tell me…
Jafar: because of Timi…plus someone like you doesn’t deserve just a fling…
Me: that is so sweet…
Jafar: come let me show you something….
Me : where?
Jafar: Just come…
It was past 9pm when I entered his benz with him, and he drove us into the night…

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