The Devil who Loved me - Owolabi Adenola (Davidflo) Episode 20
Blood from Uche was sipping to the car seat; the aura of death was everywhere. My face was swollen and bruised..i was still putting on an over-sized shirt with just bra and panties beneath, but that didn’t matter, I was praying for uche…
Me: why not take him to Best-care hospital, its closer?
Jafar: The doctors there would not treat gun-shot wound patients until they get a report from the police, that’s the normal practice..
Me: so where are you taking him to?
Jafar: there is another hospital in Ago, the doctor was one of us before he graduated…
Me: A cultist?
I said that on purpose, I wanted him to hurt. He didn’t look at me, or act like I had taken a swipe at him..
Jafar: yes, a cultist like me..
The hospital/Clinic was a small building; painted beige outside without any sign-board showing it was a hospital. We were met outside by some nurses, Uche was swiftly taken inside.
While Jafar waited at the lobby, I was examined by the doctor who prescribed some drugs for me and told me I was lucky not to have broken a bone. I walked out of his office with him to meet Jafar. The way their crew greeted themselves that used to amaze me before became revolting. The doctor and Jafar exchanged a brief hailing before they excused themselves and went to a corner to talk.
Soon the hospital was filled with the other guys, the doctor had gone to work on Uche, when he came back out, you could see the fear in their eyes…they were quiet..
Doctor : He is going to be fine!
The idiots started with their chants again, the doctor smiled, proud of his brothers…I looked at Jafar, he looked like a dad that had lost children but glad that one had survived. I was pitying him then I remembered how he had killed those guys…I excused myself and went to throw-up..
The doctor said they would have to donate blood for Uche, and he might be admitted for up to a week. We all knew it was unsafe for a spirit man to be left in a hospital.
On our way back to the house, I sat at the back of the Hilux with Sparrow, Jafar sat with another guy infront..
Jafar : The doctor said you would have to rest for a while, so I suggest you chill a bit before you go to Sagamu.
I ignored him.
As soon as we got to the house, I noticed the corpse had been carried to the living room. Five bodies in total. One of Jafar’s, Four of theirs. They were covered with clothes. I easily identified Eli, he was at the centre.
I walked into the room, Jafar followed me close behind..
Jafar : I am sorry about what happened..
Me: where did you guys go to?
Jafar: we got info that the government wanted to drop off some weapons for them at Aiyepe by dawn, so we decided to set an ambush…but I sensed trouble when I didn’t see Eli among them. While the other guys engaged, I called you and came back as soon as I could..
Me: The snitch set you guys up?
Jafar: I don’t know, all I knew was that Eli was not to be taken lightly, I am glad I followed my hunch..
He approached me, wanting to hold me..
Me : Jafar stop!
He looked at me, confused.
Me: the door is broken so I cannot lock it, but I want you to leave me alone…
Jafar: you are sending me out of my room?
Me: yes!
He wanted to talk but stopped; He picked up his and some other items and left…
I started crying…I picked up my phone to call Toun…
To tell her Jafar had killed Eli.
As instructed, nobody disturbed me in the room, I was curled in bed like a cat. I wondered what they were doing with the corpses lying in the parlor. Eli’s face was still haunting me. In as much as I hated him and was glad that he was dead. Murder was best imagined and not seen, from how loud the gun was, to the tongue and eyes…the brain matter on my body ,grey with flecks of blood. The only thing Toun said after I finished narrating my tale was “Thank God”..
Jafar’s house was isolated at Aiyegbami, so whenever cars approached, they were clearly perceptible. There were a lot of cars that approached the compound that night. Then the sounds stopped, I started hearing people hitting objects on bottles. Out of fear I ran outside of the room, the corpse was still there…the guys could here the bottles too…but they weren’t perturbed. I saw Jafar sit all alone, I ignored him and went to look through the window. The guys I saw outside were more than fifty, around their head was a white piece of cloth..Soon divided into two columns, then Orisa walked to the front..
Orisa: Jafar!
Jafar walked outside to meet him..
Me: are you guys crazy! Wont you go and protect him?
They did not answer me, so I ran outside to stand beside Jafar…
Jafar: Orisa!...
Orisa walked up to Jafar and brought out a bottle of Schnapps and two tiny cups…
Orisa: we come in peace…
They both took two gulps with the cup…
Jafar : you are welcome…
Orisa: the bodies?
Jafar: well and Gallant…
Orisa: thank you.
Jafar’s men had formed two files from the parlor to the edge of the veranda. Orisa’s men continued the file to a bus that was parked. Then one after the other, the three bodies of Eli’s fallen men were carried between the files to the bus. Eli’s body was the last to be carried, Jafar and Orisa were the ones that carried it. As they passed through the file, Jafar’s men on each side bowed down, when they got to where Orisa’s men were, they started hitting their bottles again…they continued until the body was dropped in the bus..
The guys on both sides exchanged drinks, and in no time…they were gone..
For three days I kept to myself, I only left the room when I wanted to eat. The house had been cleaned, even the parlor was re-painted. Uche came back earlier than expected, with a sling on one hand though. We all spent time with him in his room.
A carpenter came around to fix all the locks and replaced the broken windows, so I had all the privacy I asked for. Jafar stayed in the same room with Uche.
It was Monday and Toun was travelling out, after calling her to wish her journey mercies and all, I called Timi.
Timi: Hey
Me: how are you?
Timi: I heard about Eli, guess we have some closure now..
Me: how about we hang out?
Timi: sure..i will be in town tonight…lets meet at Belle..
Me: thanks..
My face was back to normal, the bluish red marks had disappeared, I still had bouts of headache but it was more manageable.
While Jafar came to take his bath, I told him about meeting Timi..
Jafar: you don’t need to tell me, if you are strong enough to go out, it is fine by me..
Me: How is Uche?
Jafar: He is good, he is grateful for the meals..
Me: that’s my pleasure..
Jafar: I heard school will be resuming next Monday…
Me: that’s nice, I am glad this episode is over…I will be going to Lagos on Thursday..
Jafar: that’s good..
Me: how are you, Jafar?
He put on the shower which put a premature termination to our conversation.
Since he killed Jafar, my feelings for him had changed, whenever I had a soft heart for him, the images of Eli and the other guy’s flood my brain and I just check out.
Timi was waiting in Belle when I got there, some of the students who didn’t travel because of violence where around too, things were getting back to normal. He hugged me, after which we climbed the atop the booth of his car…
Me: how have you been?
Timi: I have been fine..
Me: moved back to your house?
Timi: yes, so you actually saw the killings?
Me: I don’t want to talk about it..
Timi: excuse me lemme go and get our drinks and two plates of Asun..
Me: I miss Asun!..Yay..
I saw Acho from a distance; he greeted me and continued his discussion with the guys he was with…
Timi: so how is Jafar?
He handed me the a cup and a plate of Asun..
Me: He is good…
Timi: how are you guys?....the relationship…
Me: we are having some issues now though, I rather not talk about that one too..
Timi: It’s okay, whenever you want to talk about it, I will be around..
Me: thanks..
Timi: I am going to miss Toun..
Me: me too, I hope she gets back soon…
Timi: I miss you too Nkem…
Me: Awwwwww…
Timi: I am still inlove with you…
Me: oh..Timi..
Timi: Let’s work it out, you belong with me..
Me: Timi don’t start…
He moved closer to me and threw his hand around my shoulder..
Timi: I know you have started missing me and you want us back…stop forming o…
He smiled as he spoke, exposing his beautiful dentition. There and then, I thought of Jafar, the ugly images came but so also the fact that he was there for me always. And even as I was shutting him out of my life, he was still there for me, taking care of me. Risked his life for me…shared things with me that he wouldn’t have shared with anyone…
Me: I am not forming o…
Timi: you mean you also want us back together?
Me: No, I mean I am still inlove with Jafar..
Timi: hmmmm
Me: I think I should leave now, we didn’t part well this morning…
Timi: finish your Asun..
Me: I can’t..i am filled...
Timi: can I drop you off?
Me: don’t worry Timileyin, I will fly a bike…hang out with your guys around…
He hugged me as we said our goodbyes..
The house was its normal self when I got back in, guys hung around in different corners, shooting pool, Drinking and all. But I didn’t see Jafar. I even went to the kitchen but he wasn’t there, so I went to check on Uche. Lying on the floor beside Uche’s bed was Jafar…he was on a blanket sleeping.
I walked up to Uche, he was sleeping too, so I tiptoed out of the room and went to Jafar’s..i took my bath, changed to one of his clothes and went back to Uche’s room. I laid down beside him on the floor, just before I slept..i sniffed him..i loved the way he smelled..
Jafar : you are back..
Me: thought you were asleep..
Jafar: I can smell you…
Me: I am sorry, jafar..I have been so cold towards you…
Jafar: it’s alright, you had a lot of things to process in so little time…
Me: I miss sleeping beside you…
Jafar: do you mean I can return back to my bed?
Me: anytime you want..
Jafar: Now?
Me: sounds great…
We huddled beside each other in bed, the darkness and cold was wonderful..
Jafar: I need to ask you a favor..
Me: what?
Jafar: it’s against popular creed but it feels like the right thing to do…
Me: talk are scaring me…
Jafar: be my girlfriend…be my woman…
I was surprised…very surprised, because he understood that if we officially started dating I would need to know everything that was going on with him. No more secrets and all. Guys like Jafar could have fling with girls but they never really had ‘girlfriends’ or if they had, they were hidden and out of the spot-light.
Jafar: don’t be scared, we are good now..we are safe..
I kissed him..
Jafar: so how was your date?
Me: it wasn’t a date jor…but I had to leave early…I couldn’t just leave you here and be with an ex..
He kissed me…we started smooching..I sat astride him..
Me: I miss this…
Jafar: we both do..
I pulled his boxer shorts, revealing his dicck..after giving him a hand-job..i tasted the tip then licked it..i liked the jerking reactions I was getting, then I sucked it…anytime I thought he was getting too excited, I stopped and gave him a hand-job. After a while I dragged my skirt up, shifted my panties to the side and sat on his hardened dicck.
Twenty five minutes later, between panting and giggles…
Me: Yes, I will be your girlfriend…
The next two days were the best days of my life, Jafar and I cruised around car in his Benz, it was the most popular gist in town, the former VP candidate was dating a cultist. I didn’t care about it, with Jafar I found the satisfaction that I had been craving for. We straffed everywhere we could, in his car, in his kitchen (with door locked)…in our private bush path…
The cult killings had stopped, students were trooping back to school in the thousands. Even Toun had informed me that she was coming back soon. Hearing the gist about Eli’s death had accelerated her getting better.
My bags were packed, I was ready for Lagos, but wanted to go through Sagamu, so I can say hello to my Cousins before I zoom. Jafar planned to drop me off at Ilisan. The guys in the house told me they would miss me…I knew they were talking about my food. I looked at the house as we stepped out, even with all the horrors; I was going to miss the house.
I was going to go to Lagos and when I come back, I would plan how my life was going to be with Jafar. I couldn’t be with him all the time, but I hoped to share the best times with him.
There were also unverified reports on how the school was going to organize snap elections in which I was the favorite to lead to win. I was looking forward to the rest of my life with anticipation.
I was wearing my favorite short white gown, while Jafar was wearing a white shirt combined with a blue trouser. I thought we looked debonair together. With my bags packed in his booth, we started the trip.
Me: don’t play all those your sorrowful songs o…don’t you have anyone that is dance-hall?
Jafar: they are not sorrowful jor, they make more sense..
I was reacting to the Evanescence “my immortal” that was playing out of his speakers..
Me: you don’t have Timaya or Terry G?
Jafar: Nope…let’s play Asa?
Me: you are now talking!
We had passed by the Main-campus, with Asa’s amazing voice filling the air..
Me: will this your Confra thing ever be over?
Jafar looked at me, once again I didn’t know what he was thinking until he blurted the words out…
Jafar : Yes..
Me: when…
He smiled, he usually did that when he expected us to stop that particular conversation..
Jafar: what will you bring for me on your way back?
Me: apart from food stuffs and colorful boxers….what else do you want?
Jafar: you won’t tell anybody?
Me: No…
Jafar : Golden morn…plenty..
Me: Awww…my baby…
Jafar: oya, ya isa!
Me: what is ‘ya isa’?
Jafar: its enough..
Me: should I add Cerelac to it?
We both laughed…
Jafar: just come back on time…don’t let me miss you.
We were flagged down by some road side cops before Ago-iwoye’s first bridge. Two police with their worn out rifles stood at each side of the car.
Jafar wound down his glass, I did same to mine…
Jafar: Oga goodmorning…
Police officer: goodmorning, where una dey go?
The other Police officer leaned over my glass, he was staring at his phone and his partner at intervals as the other interviewed Jafar.
Jafar: Ilishan
Police officer: lemme see your papers..
I was getting infuriated, policemen were among the most corrupt people I had ever common across, I suspected they wanted money and were just stalking.
While Jafar got the papers, I turned my head to take chewing gums from the bag I had at the back seat when I heard Jafar say “Bleep!”
I turned to see what had startled him, only to see that the Police man at Jafar’s side had stepped back and corked his gun, ready to fire at him. Jafar swerved to the right, knocking the police man to my right before stepping hard on the accelerator..
Jafar: They are death squads!
Me: oh my God..
The policemen started firing, shattering the car glass…we kept moving with top speed. I turned back to see if we were being followed but we weren’t. Just when I had thought things were normal!..
Me: who sent them?....
He didn’t answer me, that was when I noticed the car was moving awkwardly…
Me: Jafar what is wrong?
He tried to smile but couldn’t…beads of sweat collected on top of his brows. Immediately I knew something was wrong. He tried to keep driving but he couldn’t, the car slowed down…his turned to the right, squinting his eyes..
I reached over to him, his head slowly slumped against the steering.
That was when I saw it.
His back was soaked in blood, about five darker spots showed where the bullets had pierced him. His leather seat was filled with blood…
Me: baby! baby! what do I do…tell me…what do I do!
He tried to talk but blood gushed out of his mouth…so he just smiled…a sad smile….
I came down from the car, went to his side, and pushed him with all my might to the other seat. My gown was smeared with blood..
Me: don’t die…you dare not die on me…
I kept repeating those words as I turned back and drove towards ago…
Few minutes later he fell across his seat to my laps..i carried his head up with my right hand but there was no use, he came crashing down the same way…Then I knew without being told…
Jafar was dead.
Blood from Uche was sipping to the car seat; the aura of death was everywhere. My face was swollen and bruised..i was still putting on an over-sized shirt with just bra and panties beneath, but that didn’t matter, I was praying for uche…
Me: why not take him to Best-care hospital, its closer?
Jafar: The doctors there would not treat gun-shot wound patients until they get a report from the police, that’s the normal practice..
Me: so where are you taking him to?
Jafar: there is another hospital in Ago, the doctor was one of us before he graduated…
Me: A cultist?
I said that on purpose, I wanted him to hurt. He didn’t look at me, or act like I had taken a swipe at him..
Jafar: yes, a cultist like me..
The hospital/Clinic was a small building; painted beige outside without any sign-board showing it was a hospital. We were met outside by some nurses, Uche was swiftly taken inside.
While Jafar waited at the lobby, I was examined by the doctor who prescribed some drugs for me and told me I was lucky not to have broken a bone. I walked out of his office with him to meet Jafar. The way their crew greeted themselves that used to amaze me before became revolting. The doctor and Jafar exchanged a brief hailing before they excused themselves and went to a corner to talk.
Soon the hospital was filled with the other guys, the doctor had gone to work on Uche, when he came back out, you could see the fear in their eyes…they were quiet..
Doctor : He is going to be fine!
The idiots started with their chants again, the doctor smiled, proud of his brothers…I looked at Jafar, he looked like a dad that had lost children but glad that one had survived. I was pitying him then I remembered how he had killed those guys…I excused myself and went to throw-up..
The doctor said they would have to donate blood for Uche, and he might be admitted for up to a week. We all knew it was unsafe for a spirit man to be left in a hospital.
On our way back to the house, I sat at the back of the Hilux with Sparrow, Jafar sat with another guy infront..
Jafar : The doctor said you would have to rest for a while, so I suggest you chill a bit before you go to Sagamu.
I ignored him.
As soon as we got to the house, I noticed the corpse had been carried to the living room. Five bodies in total. One of Jafar’s, Four of theirs. They were covered with clothes. I easily identified Eli, he was at the centre.
I walked into the room, Jafar followed me close behind..
Jafar : I am sorry about what happened..
Me: where did you guys go to?
Jafar: we got info that the government wanted to drop off some weapons for them at Aiyepe by dawn, so we decided to set an ambush…but I sensed trouble when I didn’t see Eli among them. While the other guys engaged, I called you and came back as soon as I could..
Me: The snitch set you guys up?
Jafar: I don’t know, all I knew was that Eli was not to be taken lightly, I am glad I followed my hunch..
He approached me, wanting to hold me..
Me : Jafar stop!
He looked at me, confused.
Me: the door is broken so I cannot lock it, but I want you to leave me alone…
Jafar: you are sending me out of my room?
Me: yes!
He wanted to talk but stopped; He picked up his and some other items and left…
I started crying…I picked up my phone to call Toun…
To tell her Jafar had killed Eli.
As instructed, nobody disturbed me in the room, I was curled in bed like a cat. I wondered what they were doing with the corpses lying in the parlor. Eli’s face was still haunting me. In as much as I hated him and was glad that he was dead. Murder was best imagined and not seen, from how loud the gun was, to the tongue and eyes…the brain matter on my body ,grey with flecks of blood. The only thing Toun said after I finished narrating my tale was “Thank God”..
Jafar’s house was isolated at Aiyegbami, so whenever cars approached, they were clearly perceptible. There were a lot of cars that approached the compound that night. Then the sounds stopped, I started hearing people hitting objects on bottles. Out of fear I ran outside of the room, the corpse was still there…the guys could here the bottles too…but they weren’t perturbed. I saw Jafar sit all alone, I ignored him and went to look through the window. The guys I saw outside were more than fifty, around their head was a white piece of cloth..Soon divided into two columns, then Orisa walked to the front..
Orisa: Jafar!
Jafar walked outside to meet him..
Me: are you guys crazy! Wont you go and protect him?
They did not answer me, so I ran outside to stand beside Jafar…
Jafar: Orisa!...
Orisa walked up to Jafar and brought out a bottle of Schnapps and two tiny cups…
Orisa: we come in peace…
They both took two gulps with the cup…
Jafar : you are welcome…
Orisa: the bodies?
Jafar: well and Gallant…
Orisa: thank you.
Jafar’s men had formed two files from the parlor to the edge of the veranda. Orisa’s men continued the file to a bus that was parked. Then one after the other, the three bodies of Eli’s fallen men were carried between the files to the bus. Eli’s body was the last to be carried, Jafar and Orisa were the ones that carried it. As they passed through the file, Jafar’s men on each side bowed down, when they got to where Orisa’s men were, they started hitting their bottles again…they continued until the body was dropped in the bus..
The guys on both sides exchanged drinks, and in no time…they were gone..
For three days I kept to myself, I only left the room when I wanted to eat. The house had been cleaned, even the parlor was re-painted. Uche came back earlier than expected, with a sling on one hand though. We all spent time with him in his room.
A carpenter came around to fix all the locks and replaced the broken windows, so I had all the privacy I asked for. Jafar stayed in the same room with Uche.
It was Monday and Toun was travelling out, after calling her to wish her journey mercies and all, I called Timi.
Timi: Hey
Me: how are you?
Timi: I heard about Eli, guess we have some closure now..
Me: how about we hang out?
Timi: sure..i will be in town tonight…lets meet at Belle..
Me: thanks..
My face was back to normal, the bluish red marks had disappeared, I still had bouts of headache but it was more manageable.
While Jafar came to take his bath, I told him about meeting Timi..
Jafar: you don’t need to tell me, if you are strong enough to go out, it is fine by me..
Me: How is Uche?
Jafar: He is good, he is grateful for the meals..
Me: that’s my pleasure..
Jafar: I heard school will be resuming next Monday…
Me: that’s nice, I am glad this episode is over…I will be going to Lagos on Thursday..
Jafar: that’s good..
Me: how are you, Jafar?
He put on the shower which put a premature termination to our conversation.
Since he killed Jafar, my feelings for him had changed, whenever I had a soft heart for him, the images of Eli and the other guy’s flood my brain and I just check out.
Timi was waiting in Belle when I got there, some of the students who didn’t travel because of violence where around too, things were getting back to normal. He hugged me, after which we climbed the atop the booth of his car…
Me: how have you been?
Timi: I have been fine..
Me: moved back to your house?
Timi: yes, so you actually saw the killings?
Me: I don’t want to talk about it..
Timi: excuse me lemme go and get our drinks and two plates of Asun..
Me: I miss Asun!..Yay..
I saw Acho from a distance; he greeted me and continued his discussion with the guys he was with…
Timi: so how is Jafar?
He handed me the a cup and a plate of Asun..
Me: He is good…
Timi: how are you guys?....the relationship…
Me: we are having some issues now though, I rather not talk about that one too..
Timi: It’s okay, whenever you want to talk about it, I will be around..
Me: thanks..
Timi: I am going to miss Toun..
Me: me too, I hope she gets back soon…
Timi: I miss you too Nkem…
Me: Awwwwww…
Timi: I am still inlove with you…
Me: oh..Timi..
Timi: Let’s work it out, you belong with me..
Me: Timi don’t start…
He moved closer to me and threw his hand around my shoulder..
Timi: I know you have started missing me and you want us back…stop forming o…
He smiled as he spoke, exposing his beautiful dentition. There and then, I thought of Jafar, the ugly images came but so also the fact that he was there for me always. And even as I was shutting him out of my life, he was still there for me, taking care of me. Risked his life for me…shared things with me that he wouldn’t have shared with anyone…
Me: I am not forming o…
Timi: you mean you also want us back together?
Me: No, I mean I am still inlove with Jafar..
Timi: hmmmm
Me: I think I should leave now, we didn’t part well this morning…
Timi: finish your Asun..
Me: I can’t..i am filled...
Timi: can I drop you off?
Me: don’t worry Timileyin, I will fly a bike…hang out with your guys around…
He hugged me as we said our goodbyes..
The house was its normal self when I got back in, guys hung around in different corners, shooting pool, Drinking and all. But I didn’t see Jafar. I even went to the kitchen but he wasn’t there, so I went to check on Uche. Lying on the floor beside Uche’s bed was Jafar…he was on a blanket sleeping.
I walked up to Uche, he was sleeping too, so I tiptoed out of the room and went to Jafar’s..i took my bath, changed to one of his clothes and went back to Uche’s room. I laid down beside him on the floor, just before I slept..i sniffed him..i loved the way he smelled..
Jafar : you are back..
Me: thought you were asleep..
Jafar: I can smell you…
Me: I am sorry, jafar..I have been so cold towards you…
Jafar: it’s alright, you had a lot of things to process in so little time…
Me: I miss sleeping beside you…
Jafar: do you mean I can return back to my bed?
Me: anytime you want..
Jafar: Now?
Me: sounds great…
We huddled beside each other in bed, the darkness and cold was wonderful..
Jafar: I need to ask you a favor..
Me: what?
Jafar: it’s against popular creed but it feels like the right thing to do…
Me: talk are scaring me…
Jafar: be my girlfriend…be my woman…
I was surprised…very surprised, because he understood that if we officially started dating I would need to know everything that was going on with him. No more secrets and all. Guys like Jafar could have fling with girls but they never really had ‘girlfriends’ or if they had, they were hidden and out of the spot-light.
Jafar: don’t be scared, we are good now..we are safe..
I kissed him..
Jafar: so how was your date?
Me: it wasn’t a date jor…but I had to leave early…I couldn’t just leave you here and be with an ex..
He kissed me…we started smooching..I sat astride him..
Me: I miss this…
Jafar: we both do..
I pulled his boxer shorts, revealing his dicck..after giving him a hand-job..i tasted the tip then licked it..i liked the jerking reactions I was getting, then I sucked it…anytime I thought he was getting too excited, I stopped and gave him a hand-job. After a while I dragged my skirt up, shifted my panties to the side and sat on his hardened dicck.
Twenty five minutes later, between panting and giggles…
Me: Yes, I will be your girlfriend…
The next two days were the best days of my life, Jafar and I cruised around car in his Benz, it was the most popular gist in town, the former VP candidate was dating a cultist. I didn’t care about it, with Jafar I found the satisfaction that I had been craving for. We straffed everywhere we could, in his car, in his kitchen (with door locked)…in our private bush path…
The cult killings had stopped, students were trooping back to school in the thousands. Even Toun had informed me that she was coming back soon. Hearing the gist about Eli’s death had accelerated her getting better.
My bags were packed, I was ready for Lagos, but wanted to go through Sagamu, so I can say hello to my Cousins before I zoom. Jafar planned to drop me off at Ilisan. The guys in the house told me they would miss me…I knew they were talking about my food. I looked at the house as we stepped out, even with all the horrors; I was going to miss the house.
I was going to go to Lagos and when I come back, I would plan how my life was going to be with Jafar. I couldn’t be with him all the time, but I hoped to share the best times with him.
There were also unverified reports on how the school was going to organize snap elections in which I was the favorite to lead to win. I was looking forward to the rest of my life with anticipation.
I was wearing my favorite short white gown, while Jafar was wearing a white shirt combined with a blue trouser. I thought we looked debonair together. With my bags packed in his booth, we started the trip.
Me: don’t play all those your sorrowful songs o…don’t you have anyone that is dance-hall?
Jafar: they are not sorrowful jor, they make more sense..
I was reacting to the Evanescence “my immortal” that was playing out of his speakers..
Me: you don’t have Timaya or Terry G?
Jafar: Nope…let’s play Asa?
Me: you are now talking!
We had passed by the Main-campus, with Asa’s amazing voice filling the air..
Me: will this your Confra thing ever be over?
Jafar looked at me, once again I didn’t know what he was thinking until he blurted the words out…
Jafar : Yes..
Me: when…
He smiled, he usually did that when he expected us to stop that particular conversation..
Jafar: what will you bring for me on your way back?
Me: apart from food stuffs and colorful boxers….what else do you want?
Jafar: you won’t tell anybody?
Me: No…
Jafar : Golden morn…plenty..
Me: Awww…my baby…
Jafar: oya, ya isa!
Me: what is ‘ya isa’?
Jafar: its enough..
Me: should I add Cerelac to it?
We both laughed…
Jafar: just come back on time…don’t let me miss you.
We were flagged down by some road side cops before Ago-iwoye’s first bridge. Two police with their worn out rifles stood at each side of the car.
Jafar wound down his glass, I did same to mine…
Jafar: Oga goodmorning…
Police officer: goodmorning, where una dey go?
The other Police officer leaned over my glass, he was staring at his phone and his partner at intervals as the other interviewed Jafar.
Jafar: Ilishan
Police officer: lemme see your papers..
I was getting infuriated, policemen were among the most corrupt people I had ever common across, I suspected they wanted money and were just stalking.
While Jafar got the papers, I turned my head to take chewing gums from the bag I had at the back seat when I heard Jafar say “Bleep!”
I turned to see what had startled him, only to see that the Police man at Jafar’s side had stepped back and corked his gun, ready to fire at him. Jafar swerved to the right, knocking the police man to my right before stepping hard on the accelerator..
Jafar: They are death squads!
Me: oh my God..
The policemen started firing, shattering the car glass…we kept moving with top speed. I turned back to see if we were being followed but we weren’t. Just when I had thought things were normal!..
Me: who sent them?....
He didn’t answer me, that was when I noticed the car was moving awkwardly…
Me: Jafar what is wrong?
He tried to smile but couldn’t…beads of sweat collected on top of his brows. Immediately I knew something was wrong. He tried to keep driving but he couldn’t, the car slowed down…his turned to the right, squinting his eyes..
I reached over to him, his head slowly slumped against the steering.
That was when I saw it.
His back was soaked in blood, about five darker spots showed where the bullets had pierced him. His leather seat was filled with blood…
Me: baby! baby! what do I do…tell me…what do I do!
He tried to talk but blood gushed out of his mouth…so he just smiled…a sad smile….
I came down from the car, went to his side, and pushed him with all my might to the other seat. My gown was smeared with blood..
Me: don’t die…you dare not die on me…
I kept repeating those words as I turned back and drove towards ago…
Few minutes later he fell across his seat to my laps..i carried his head up with my right hand but there was no use, he came crashing down the same way…Then I knew without being told…
Jafar was dead.

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