The Devil who Loved me - Owolabi Adenola (Davidflo) Episode 21
Though I knew he was dead, I still took him to the hospital. I was met by the guys and it was a sorry sight. Sparrow forced me out of the hospital, back to the house. A lot of people were waiting in the house, down casted and threatening whoever they could. I walked into the room and locked the door. Everywhere still smelled like him. Everything was how we left it, I was just so surreal that he wasn’t going to be coming back home.
I couldn’t sleep; I couldn’t cry…I just stared. There were things I had to do but my life had just crumbled. It would have been nice if Toun was around, but she was on her way to London. I was running mad, his voice was in my head, talking, laughing, joking..i probably shouldn’t have allowed him drop me off..i was dying per second..I called Timi, he was the only friend I had close by..
Timi : Tana, is what I am hearing true?
That was when I started crying, I cried for about a minute…
Me: yes o…they finally killed him..
Timi: I am so sorry…where are you now…how did it happen?
Me: I don’t know…I can’t think…my heard hurts..
Timi: where are you, can I come and see you?
Me: no..i just want to be alone…thanks though…
I hung up..
Tears were choking me up but I had to stop, I was sure Jafar would not want me to cry like this..i braced myself up for the next call I had to make…
Me : hello
Man: Hello
Me: is this Jafar’s father?
Man: yes…
Me: Jafar is dead, died this morning..
Man: who are you?
Me: his girlfriend.
Man: how did he die?
Me: he was murdered…
He kept quiet for a while…
Me : he has to be buried today, if you don’t get here soonest, we will bury him without you..
Man: But I am in Kano
Me: that’s your business!
I hung up…
Uche was still inside, guys had discussed that it would be better I tell him…When I entered his room, he was seated on the bed, his left hand still on the sling but he looked way better..
Me: Uche, how are you?
Uche: Jafar is dead, you came to tell me Jafar is dead…
Me: how….how did you know?
Uche: Orisa just called me, swore he had nothing to do with it, him or his friends..
I walked up to face him, his eyes were red, he had been crying. I hugged him, somehow my floodgates opened…I started crying..
Uche : when I was in 100 Level, I used to go around. Begging from guys, robbing girls at Shokas…obtaining guys..There was this day I went to a bar, Jafar was the only one there, he was drinking…I walked up to him and started threatening him, you see I didn’t know who he was…He didn’t answer me so I punched him on his face…as if on cue, the bar was flooded by his brothers…more than seven guys carried me on top of the table, my hands and legs were held. The owner of the bar ran out as a dagger was produced. I was to be slaughtered. Jafar was in 100level too then, but he pleaded on my behalf.. though he was younger than most of them, they respected him…I was left alone…a few punches on my stomach didn’t count..
Uche started crying again..
Uche: He took me to a bar called “ A-Z” and bought beer for me, afterwards we went to eat Amala, he followed me to my house, where we picked up my things and we moved to his apartment close to Ita-merin. The guy cleaned me up..See Tana, I no get mama and Papa, confirm Jafar had been my father. He told me about the group and thought they could use someone like me…Tana, since then me and Jafar had been homies…I could have taken a bullet for that guy!
Guys knocked on the door, so he quickly cleaned his eyes…they were in their multitude to pay allegiance to him, I went back to Jafar’s room….
I pulled off my blood stained white gown, and wore a black shirt of his, with one of his black boxer shorts…I locked the door..and basked in the memory of Jafar.
There was a knock on my door that I ignored as usual; I didn’t want to talk to anybody. Then Uche called my name name.. I staggered to the door, my eyes were burning due to the amount of tears I had cried. Standing in front of the door was Uche and another man, seeing the man made me cry. He was the carbon copy of Jafar..
Man : Hello Tana
Me: good afternoon..
Man: I have picked up his body..
Me : I thought you said you were in Kano, how did you get here so fast?
Man: I used a chopper.
Me: He must be buried today..
Man: Yes he would.
Me: good..
Man: I heard he was killed by way-ward cops that have gone into hiding..
I didn’t answer him…
Man: Thank you for loving my son…
I slapped him a million times in my mind..
Me: you should have loved him yourself…
I turned to Uche…
Me: I don’t want to be disturbed again by anybody…
Uche : sir, time to go…
I went back to the bed Jafar and I had dwelled in, made love in…
My phone rang some hours later, an unknown number…
Me : Hello..
Guy: its Orisa..
Me: yes?
Orisa: Accept the sympathies of all of us down here, we will hold an outing for him tonight. I want you to know we had no hand in his death..
Me: okay…
Orisa : Till you graduate, we promise never to cause you any arm or slander. Whoever you curse is cursed, whoever you bless is blessed.
Me: okay..
Orisa: I had the highest respect for Jafar…you will be accorded such…
Me: okay…
Orisa: I hail you!
Me: Thank you..
I slept for a while when I got another call, I wanted to ignore but I changed my mind…
Man: is this Ms Tana?
Me: Yes..
Man: This is Professor Adewole..
Me: good afternoon VC
VC : I heard about what happened today, my people are carrying out the investigation. I learnt you are his partner..
Me: Yes sir..
VC : we were thinking of resuming on Monday, with this tragic incidence…do you want it postponed?
Me: you are the VC sir, I am just a student…
VC: our reports states otherwise.. Please meet me for lunch on Saturday in my house..
Me: Okay sir..
VC : you can come with as many of your people as possible…it’s just a meeting.
Me: Okay sir..
He hung up…
I didn’t intend going for any bullshit meeting…
I was rolling in bed.
It was difficult to sleep, everywhere felt like Jafar, from the smell to the bold colors of the room. I tried listening to music but they were his songs. Naeto C’s “Kini big deal” was working for me until; Naeto C said “Kilode my darling?” and I wanted to die. Jafar loved that part of the song.
So I went to the kitchen, two guys were smoking Kush there, they quickly exited as I entered, I picked up a piece of cloth and a bucket full of water and went outside to Jafar’s Benz. It was in the same shape in which i had brought it back. The back Glass was still broken, with shreds of glass on the seats, his blood had stained the front seats. I soaked the chairs with water and detergent and started brushing the blood out. In no time the contents of the bucket was deep red..i sobbed as I washed.
My hands were bruised when I called it quits, I sat on the back seat when a phone rang, I picked up my phone then I realized it was another phone that had rang. I found the Nokia phone beneath the seat; it was the phone that the police-man who was leaning close to my window was holding. it must have dropped in the car when Jafar hit him.
The excitement I got from finding the phone was nothing compared to how I felt when I went through the contents…towards the end..i became shocked…I called Uche, told him to meet me in Jafar’s car.
Uche: I think say you don sleep..
Me: no..i couldn’t..
I gave him the phone to peruse..
Uche : are you serious?
I just nodded my head…I was still dumbfounded…
Uche : where did you find it?
I told him how everything happened, including Jafar’s last attempt to avoid the tragic incident.
Me: you know what I realized?...Jafar actually hit the guy at my side so he won’t be able to shoot at me, in the last moments he put me first..
Uche : him na correct guy…
Me: VC called me, asking for a meeting with us this weekend..
Uche ; what do you think?
Me: would Jafar have attended?
Uche : Yes, he likes the VC..
Me: we should go then…
Uche: so when do we move?
Me: move where?
Uche : with this information we have got…or are u not up to it?
Me: oh…as soon as possible…
Uche : are you sure?
Me: I can barely wait…but I need a favor…
Uche: what?
Me : let’s keep it to just you and I for now…
Uche: No problem…
I bade him goodnight…
I woke up some hours later, it was very cold and I was hungry..i went back to the room to find the left over sugar-cane Jafar and I had munched in the fridge. As I ate it I thought of the past few months..i remembered the meeting I had with Abayomi, Kofo, Michael and Uche…I never knew that gathering would change my life ..But it did…
And tomorrow, it was about to be changed forever..
Morning came slower than I had hoped, but when it came, I was ready..
I went to the bathroom, stared at myself in the mirror, I looked horrible. My eyes were swollen and I looked drain..i stripped off my clothes and turned the shower on…I sat on the floor as water washed over me for more than thirty minutes..
I didn’t have enough black clothes, I intent to buy as soon as I got the chance. I wore a black gown with a pair of black shoes. Jafar’s black Loius Vuitton Shades was in his wardrobe…it didn’t really fit me, but I wanted something of his to be with me at all times..
Uche and “Last-born” were waiting in the Hilux when I got outside, our journey was taking us to Irolu.
As we passed the area in which Jafar was killed, I found it hard to breathe. My phone vibrated…
Me : Timi what’s up?
Timi: I am good…calling to see if I can see you today..
Me: that would be nice, I would come to your house later tonight..somethings came up that I would like to inform you..
Timi: cool, should I cook anything?
Me: not gotten my appetite back..but thanks..
Timi: you know I always got your back…
Me: I am grateful,Timi..
The hotel we were going to at Irolu was called “Mother Care”. It had been well described in one of the messages seen in the cell Phone. My prayer was that the Police-man hadn’t suspected that the phone was with me.
The hotel was hidden by a Rubber plantation, but after a sharp bend along the narrow motor path, it exposed itself in all its majesty. It was not hard locating the Suite that we were looking for. He had registered in the Hotel as Mr Williams. When we got to the door, I told the guys to chill outside while I entered. I knocked but there was no response. It was a big suite so I suspected that the occupant must be far from the door. I turned the handle of the door, luckily it opened. The place was luxurious, the door ushered me into the sitting room, it was unoccupied. So I tiptoed in the direction of the room. I started hearing moans before I got there. The door was slightly ajar so I peeped. Lying on the bed was a man, a very busty girl was riding his face, his tongue smacking in and out of her, she grabbed at her breast in ecstasy, another girl held his dicck in her hand and was sucking it like her life depended on it. The room was dark but the party happening was visible. I tiptoed inside the room, they didn’t notice as they were engrossed in their activity..i turned on the switch by the wall..
Man : Hey! Who the hell are you?
The two girls sprung up from the bed with their breast giggling as they picked their clothes and ran out of the room..
Me: Good morning Sir..
Man: who the hell are you?
Me: I am Tana, and you are?
Man : Get the hell out of my suite, what kind of rubbish is this?
The foolish man took his time in tying the bed sheet around his waist…
Me: sorry for disturbing your tryst, but what I need to ask you couldn’t wait..
He went to the Inter-com…
Man: I will call the Receptionist to come and boot your out of here, I am sure a Police station shouldn’t be far away…
Me: don’t be silly..
He was taken aback; his right hand squeezed his grey beard…
Man: Are you mad? Do you know who you are talking to?
Me: Yes I Know, Prof Agbaide.
The DVC stuttered..
Prof Agbaide : young lady, who are you, what do you want and how did you find me?
Me: I am here as regards Jafar?
Prof Agbaide: who is Jafar?
I brought out Jafar’s gun from my purse…
The renowned professor of Maths and Statistics fell on the bed..
Me: any other wrong answer and you get a bullet..
Prof Agbaide : Who was he to you?
Me: My life…
Prof Agbaide : I am sorry, please…please…I have a wife and kids…little children…please spare my life….
Me : why did you order for him to be killed?
Prof Agbaide: It wasn’t my making, it was orders from above…it was beyond my power…I am a Christian, I didn’t support the move.
Me: I have all the messages you exchanged with the cops, you even described him and the car he drove…
Prof Agbaide : I was just following orders..
Me: So you would be the Vice-Chancellor?
Prof Agbaide: that wasn’t the ultimate aim, the school was going in the wrong direction, Jafar and his guys were the stumbling block.
Me: National would probably have won and given you the mandate you required..
Prof Agbaide : Even with National, Jafar was still a problem..
Me : so you killed my best Friend, Abayomi…and Jafar?
Prof Agbaide: I didn’t kill them, I was just following the script..
Me: Good
Prof Agbaide : Now that Jafar and Eli are dead, we can start afresh…I am influential enough to make you the next SUG president. Believe me!
Me: are you serious?
Prof Agbaide : Yes
Me: wont that be lovely?
Prof Agbaide : I will give you 3million Naira cash too..
Me: you are generous sir…do you know people think you have been kidnapped or even killed in Ago-iwoye.
Prof Agbaide : I just wanted to stay out of the politics for a while, you know I told you I am a Christian..i was tired of the deaths..
The image of the girls with him earlier flashed through my mind, I smiled at the Christian..
Me: No problem…
Prof Agbaide : Thank you my daughter, what department are you in? I promise you that you will graduate with a 2’1. Truthfully…
Me: You are far too kind sir…
Prof Agbaide: it’s my pleasure dear…just put down the gun…
I did as I was told. I could see the smile of victory spread across his face.
I started to leave the room..
Prof Agbaide : don’t leave like this, let me give you money..
Me: don’t worry…I am okay…
Uche and “Last-Born” were waiting by the balcony as I stepped out..I walked down to the Hilux to wait for them, in about ten minutes, they joined me. “Last-Born” was holding something wrapped in a piece of cloth..
Me: Uche, wetin “Last-Born” dey put inside booth?
Uche : Na the man head, we no wan waste bullet on top the pig..
Me: Oh…
“Last-Born” joined Uche in front as we drove back to Ago-iwoye.
Though I knew he was dead, I still took him to the hospital. I was met by the guys and it was a sorry sight. Sparrow forced me out of the hospital, back to the house. A lot of people were waiting in the house, down casted and threatening whoever they could. I walked into the room and locked the door. Everywhere still smelled like him. Everything was how we left it, I was just so surreal that he wasn’t going to be coming back home.
I couldn’t sleep; I couldn’t cry…I just stared. There were things I had to do but my life had just crumbled. It would have been nice if Toun was around, but she was on her way to London. I was running mad, his voice was in my head, talking, laughing, joking..i probably shouldn’t have allowed him drop me off..i was dying per second..I called Timi, he was the only friend I had close by..
Timi : Tana, is what I am hearing true?
That was when I started crying, I cried for about a minute…
Me: yes o…they finally killed him..
Timi: I am so sorry…where are you now…how did it happen?
Me: I don’t know…I can’t think…my heard hurts..
Timi: where are you, can I come and see you?
Me: no..i just want to be alone…thanks though…
I hung up..
Tears were choking me up but I had to stop, I was sure Jafar would not want me to cry like this..i braced myself up for the next call I had to make…
Me : hello
Man: Hello
Me: is this Jafar’s father?
Man: yes…
Me: Jafar is dead, died this morning..
Man: who are you?
Me: his girlfriend.
Man: how did he die?
Me: he was murdered…
He kept quiet for a while…
Me : he has to be buried today, if you don’t get here soonest, we will bury him without you..
Man: But I am in Kano
Me: that’s your business!
I hung up…
Uche was still inside, guys had discussed that it would be better I tell him…When I entered his room, he was seated on the bed, his left hand still on the sling but he looked way better..
Me: Uche, how are you?
Uche: Jafar is dead, you came to tell me Jafar is dead…
Me: how….how did you know?
Uche: Orisa just called me, swore he had nothing to do with it, him or his friends..
I walked up to face him, his eyes were red, he had been crying. I hugged him, somehow my floodgates opened…I started crying..
Uche : when I was in 100 Level, I used to go around. Begging from guys, robbing girls at Shokas…obtaining guys..There was this day I went to a bar, Jafar was the only one there, he was drinking…I walked up to him and started threatening him, you see I didn’t know who he was…He didn’t answer me so I punched him on his face…as if on cue, the bar was flooded by his brothers…more than seven guys carried me on top of the table, my hands and legs were held. The owner of the bar ran out as a dagger was produced. I was to be slaughtered. Jafar was in 100level too then, but he pleaded on my behalf.. though he was younger than most of them, they respected him…I was left alone…a few punches on my stomach didn’t count..
Uche started crying again..
Uche: He took me to a bar called “ A-Z” and bought beer for me, afterwards we went to eat Amala, he followed me to my house, where we picked up my things and we moved to his apartment close to Ita-merin. The guy cleaned me up..See Tana, I no get mama and Papa, confirm Jafar had been my father. He told me about the group and thought they could use someone like me…Tana, since then me and Jafar had been homies…I could have taken a bullet for that guy!
Guys knocked on the door, so he quickly cleaned his eyes…they were in their multitude to pay allegiance to him, I went back to Jafar’s room….
I pulled off my blood stained white gown, and wore a black shirt of his, with one of his black boxer shorts…I locked the door..and basked in the memory of Jafar.
There was a knock on my door that I ignored as usual; I didn’t want to talk to anybody. Then Uche called my name name.. I staggered to the door, my eyes were burning due to the amount of tears I had cried. Standing in front of the door was Uche and another man, seeing the man made me cry. He was the carbon copy of Jafar..
Man : Hello Tana
Me: good afternoon..
Man: I have picked up his body..
Me : I thought you said you were in Kano, how did you get here so fast?
Man: I used a chopper.
Me: He must be buried today..
Man: Yes he would.
Me: good..
Man: I heard he was killed by way-ward cops that have gone into hiding..
I didn’t answer him…
Man: Thank you for loving my son…
I slapped him a million times in my mind..
Me: you should have loved him yourself…
I turned to Uche…
Me: I don’t want to be disturbed again by anybody…
Uche : sir, time to go…
I went back to the bed Jafar and I had dwelled in, made love in…
My phone rang some hours later, an unknown number…
Me : Hello..
Guy: its Orisa..
Me: yes?
Orisa: Accept the sympathies of all of us down here, we will hold an outing for him tonight. I want you to know we had no hand in his death..
Me: okay…
Orisa : Till you graduate, we promise never to cause you any arm or slander. Whoever you curse is cursed, whoever you bless is blessed.
Me: okay..
Orisa: I had the highest respect for Jafar…you will be accorded such…
Me: okay…
Orisa: I hail you!
Me: Thank you..
I slept for a while when I got another call, I wanted to ignore but I changed my mind…
Man: is this Ms Tana?
Me: Yes..
Man: This is Professor Adewole..
Me: good afternoon VC
VC : I heard about what happened today, my people are carrying out the investigation. I learnt you are his partner..
Me: Yes sir..
VC : we were thinking of resuming on Monday, with this tragic incidence…do you want it postponed?
Me: you are the VC sir, I am just a student…
VC: our reports states otherwise.. Please meet me for lunch on Saturday in my house..
Me: Okay sir..
VC : you can come with as many of your people as possible…it’s just a meeting.
Me: Okay sir..
He hung up…
I didn’t intend going for any bullshit meeting…
I was rolling in bed.
It was difficult to sleep, everywhere felt like Jafar, from the smell to the bold colors of the room. I tried listening to music but they were his songs. Naeto C’s “Kini big deal” was working for me until; Naeto C said “Kilode my darling?” and I wanted to die. Jafar loved that part of the song.
So I went to the kitchen, two guys were smoking Kush there, they quickly exited as I entered, I picked up a piece of cloth and a bucket full of water and went outside to Jafar’s Benz. It was in the same shape in which i had brought it back. The back Glass was still broken, with shreds of glass on the seats, his blood had stained the front seats. I soaked the chairs with water and detergent and started brushing the blood out. In no time the contents of the bucket was deep red..i sobbed as I washed.
My hands were bruised when I called it quits, I sat on the back seat when a phone rang, I picked up my phone then I realized it was another phone that had rang. I found the Nokia phone beneath the seat; it was the phone that the police-man who was leaning close to my window was holding. it must have dropped in the car when Jafar hit him.
The excitement I got from finding the phone was nothing compared to how I felt when I went through the contents…towards the end..i became shocked…I called Uche, told him to meet me in Jafar’s car.
Uche: I think say you don sleep..
Me: no..i couldn’t..
I gave him the phone to peruse..
Uche : are you serious?
I just nodded my head…I was still dumbfounded…
Uche : where did you find it?
I told him how everything happened, including Jafar’s last attempt to avoid the tragic incident.
Me: you know what I realized?...Jafar actually hit the guy at my side so he won’t be able to shoot at me, in the last moments he put me first..
Uche : him na correct guy…
Me: VC called me, asking for a meeting with us this weekend..
Uche ; what do you think?
Me: would Jafar have attended?
Uche : Yes, he likes the VC..
Me: we should go then…
Uche: so when do we move?
Me: move where?
Uche : with this information we have got…or are u not up to it?
Me: oh…as soon as possible…
Uche : are you sure?
Me: I can barely wait…but I need a favor…
Uche: what?
Me : let’s keep it to just you and I for now…
Uche: No problem…
I bade him goodnight…
I woke up some hours later, it was very cold and I was hungry..i went back to the room to find the left over sugar-cane Jafar and I had munched in the fridge. As I ate it I thought of the past few months..i remembered the meeting I had with Abayomi, Kofo, Michael and Uche…I never knew that gathering would change my life ..But it did…
And tomorrow, it was about to be changed forever..
Morning came slower than I had hoped, but when it came, I was ready..
I went to the bathroom, stared at myself in the mirror, I looked horrible. My eyes were swollen and I looked drain..i stripped off my clothes and turned the shower on…I sat on the floor as water washed over me for more than thirty minutes..
I didn’t have enough black clothes, I intent to buy as soon as I got the chance. I wore a black gown with a pair of black shoes. Jafar’s black Loius Vuitton Shades was in his wardrobe…it didn’t really fit me, but I wanted something of his to be with me at all times..
Uche and “Last-born” were waiting in the Hilux when I got outside, our journey was taking us to Irolu.
As we passed the area in which Jafar was killed, I found it hard to breathe. My phone vibrated…
Me : Timi what’s up?
Timi: I am good…calling to see if I can see you today..
Me: that would be nice, I would come to your house later tonight..somethings came up that I would like to inform you..
Timi: cool, should I cook anything?
Me: not gotten my appetite back..but thanks..
Timi: you know I always got your back…
Me: I am grateful,Timi..
The hotel we were going to at Irolu was called “Mother Care”. It had been well described in one of the messages seen in the cell Phone. My prayer was that the Police-man hadn’t suspected that the phone was with me.
The hotel was hidden by a Rubber plantation, but after a sharp bend along the narrow motor path, it exposed itself in all its majesty. It was not hard locating the Suite that we were looking for. He had registered in the Hotel as Mr Williams. When we got to the door, I told the guys to chill outside while I entered. I knocked but there was no response. It was a big suite so I suspected that the occupant must be far from the door. I turned the handle of the door, luckily it opened. The place was luxurious, the door ushered me into the sitting room, it was unoccupied. So I tiptoed in the direction of the room. I started hearing moans before I got there. The door was slightly ajar so I peeped. Lying on the bed was a man, a very busty girl was riding his face, his tongue smacking in and out of her, she grabbed at her breast in ecstasy, another girl held his dicck in her hand and was sucking it like her life depended on it. The room was dark but the party happening was visible. I tiptoed inside the room, they didn’t notice as they were engrossed in their activity..i turned on the switch by the wall..
Man : Hey! Who the hell are you?
The two girls sprung up from the bed with their breast giggling as they picked their clothes and ran out of the room..
Me: Good morning Sir..
Man: who the hell are you?
Me: I am Tana, and you are?
Man : Get the hell out of my suite, what kind of rubbish is this?
The foolish man took his time in tying the bed sheet around his waist…
Me: sorry for disturbing your tryst, but what I need to ask you couldn’t wait..
He went to the Inter-com…
Man: I will call the Receptionist to come and boot your out of here, I am sure a Police station shouldn’t be far away…
Me: don’t be silly..
He was taken aback; his right hand squeezed his grey beard…
Man: Are you mad? Do you know who you are talking to?
Me: Yes I Know, Prof Agbaide.
The DVC stuttered..
Prof Agbaide : young lady, who are you, what do you want and how did you find me?
Me: I am here as regards Jafar?
Prof Agbaide: who is Jafar?
I brought out Jafar’s gun from my purse…
The renowned professor of Maths and Statistics fell on the bed..
Me: any other wrong answer and you get a bullet..
Prof Agbaide : Who was he to you?
Me: My life…
Prof Agbaide : I am sorry, please…please…I have a wife and kids…little children…please spare my life….
Me : why did you order for him to be killed?
Prof Agbaide: It wasn’t my making, it was orders from above…it was beyond my power…I am a Christian, I didn’t support the move.
Me: I have all the messages you exchanged with the cops, you even described him and the car he drove…
Prof Agbaide : I was just following orders..
Me: So you would be the Vice-Chancellor?
Prof Agbaide: that wasn’t the ultimate aim, the school was going in the wrong direction, Jafar and his guys were the stumbling block.
Me: National would probably have won and given you the mandate you required..
Prof Agbaide : Even with National, Jafar was still a problem..
Me : so you killed my best Friend, Abayomi…and Jafar?
Prof Agbaide: I didn’t kill them, I was just following the script..
Me: Good
Prof Agbaide : Now that Jafar and Eli are dead, we can start afresh…I am influential enough to make you the next SUG president. Believe me!
Me: are you serious?
Prof Agbaide : Yes
Me: wont that be lovely?
Prof Agbaide : I will give you 3million Naira cash too..
Me: you are generous sir…do you know people think you have been kidnapped or even killed in Ago-iwoye.
Prof Agbaide : I just wanted to stay out of the politics for a while, you know I told you I am a Christian..i was tired of the deaths..
The image of the girls with him earlier flashed through my mind, I smiled at the Christian..
Me: No problem…
Prof Agbaide : Thank you my daughter, what department are you in? I promise you that you will graduate with a 2’1. Truthfully…
Me: You are far too kind sir…
Prof Agbaide: it’s my pleasure dear…just put down the gun…
I did as I was told. I could see the smile of victory spread across his face.
I started to leave the room..
Prof Agbaide : don’t leave like this, let me give you money..
Me: don’t worry…I am okay…
Uche and “Last-Born” were waiting by the balcony as I stepped out..I walked down to the Hilux to wait for them, in about ten minutes, they joined me. “Last-Born” was holding something wrapped in a piece of cloth..
Me: Uche, wetin “Last-Born” dey put inside booth?
Uche : Na the man head, we no wan waste bullet on top the pig..
Me: Oh…
“Last-Born” joined Uche in front as we drove back to Ago-iwoye.

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